Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 25

ideas to market their businesses. People express to us their desire to grow their business and wonder why it?s not happening faster. We tell them you can?t help people if they don?t know about you but sometimes, as we share our ideas, we sense resistance. We are even surprised to hear business owners tell us they feel uncomfortable marketing their service or product because they don?t want to bother people. They be- lieve people don?t really want to hear about their business or see their social media posts all the time. Can you rel at e t o t his or somet hing simil ar? Do you t hink t hese are uphil l or downhil l t hought s? A belief is just a thought you have over and over un- til you actually ?believe? it to be true. As you repeat- edly think these thoughts you start to feel a practiced set of emotions, which makes the energy even stronger. What do you think the energy of this belief would attract to your business? As was said a very long time ago, ?As you believe, so shall you receive?. While you may say you are wanting your business to grow, according to The Law, the Uni- verse will mirror or give back to you exactly what you really believe and feel, in this case, the experience of people that don?t want to be bothered by you or hear about your business. We would describe this as a very ?uphill? set of beliefs when it comes to growing your business, most likely not producing your desired results. We love to teach and share the marketing tools and strategies that we have used to sell millions of dol- lars of products, but the truth is, our business and our life took a quantum leap when we finally got serious about using the power of our own thoughts and harnessed the power of the Law of Attraction. We had studied New Thought principles for years, following the teachings of Abraham-Hicks, and re-read countless books by Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle and many more, including Napoleon Hill?s classic, Think and Grow Rich. We had purposefully used the Law of Attraction to achieve many successes and great experiences in our lives, including finding each other, but then found ourselves feeling sort of stuck. We were experiencing success but felt limited and felt we had so much more to offer the world. Around this time, we discovered the book, Wishes Fulfilled by Dr. Wayne Dyer and his message really res- onated with us. We read it over and over and even listened to it whenever we were in our truck. We were inspired to write a new story for our life. Deep introspection together led to a simple inten- tion, ?to have a positive, simple, happy, extremely successful business that helps people and animals.? Visioning, meditating and working daily on our own thoughts and beliefs while using this simple mantra, opened our lives up to a passion, purpose and possi- bilities, way beyond our own imagination. We not only helped ourselves but also helped hundreds of others to start their own business of helping people and animals, as well! Our message to them was the same as our message to you. If we can do it, you can Page 25 - Nov., 2018 2