Law of Attraction Magazine - Holiday Issue! May, June 2020 | Page 8

W hat is Conscious Self-Love and W hy We Need It Now! By Jill Blackwell, Ph.D I believe ... everyone's life purpose is to learn to love themselves unconditionally regardless of the parental/ societal conditioning we received. Sure there will be jobs you will have and tasks to accept if you choose, but let's say all the experiences, relationship problems, triggers, lessons, everything in your life, you are drawing in to help you learn one big thing to love yourself - unconditionally and consciously, and that is your life purpose. I didn't arrive at this realization overnight. For about seven years after I figured out my mom was a narcissist and that my life and the world didn't revolve around her, I was in a constant state of flux. about my "big life purpose," how to choose the right partner, how to be a better partner. I took master classes, regular classes, read books, blogs, Instagram posts, set boundaries, said no, shifted my soul, you name it. Each time I shined up one part, I would feel good for a few days thinking, WOW!I found it! - good news, no more seeking! Then that feeling would vanish, and I would feel defeated, confused, or wrong. I would see an invitation for a new masterclass, or for a relationship repair, and would think, maybe I just need one more class, and then I would be finally fixed. My Ms. Fix-It mode (of me, my loved ones, the world) made each day miserable as I needed to DO more, learn more, and not allow myself to feel I was feverishly working/ seeking to shine up my satisfied with myself. I wasn't comfortable being parts. I was sure something was wrong with me-my me. I was in a state of repair. Plus, these feelings of appearance, my ability to forgive, my ability to lack and limitations drew more limitations to my practice gratitude, mindfulness. I had questions environment. Have you been here too? Like, you Page 8 feel there is something wrong with you? Well, there is indeed something wrong, and it is a lack of unconditional love for yourself. ourselves and preoccupy us with thoughts of fixing ourselves, our kids, the world, all others. Your problem is that you think you have a problem, then you search for one, as you continue your circle of judging yourself, and then beating yourself up as well as doing this to your loved ones. We are shining our petals, but our flower petals keep falling off because we are not nourishing our flower center (our heart and soul!!). We must start to nourish our hearts and soul by practicing conscious self-love! Conscious self-love is the practice of unconditional love for you. Conscious self-love is loving yourself with the ego out (or at least acknowledged and soothed). You love yourself just because, and that is all. You behave toward yourself and others that like you and even love you. It's like how your best friend treats you. But the motivation is not for stuff or approval, so others will think you are nice/ good, or even feel worthy of love. It is just because you are you. Conscious self-love is not self-centered or narcissistic. It's a paradox of loving yourself consciously, and you then become less self-absorbed. Instead of going down those rabbit holes when practicing conscious self-love, we will see our absolute beauty and are then able to see it in others. We will begin to relate to each other in a much healthier and loving way. You will discover that there is nothing to fix and no more lists of things to improve on because WE are perfect. But even if we are not perfect, we don't harshly judge or criticize any longer. Indeed, the antidote for fixing and judging is compassion, particularly self-compassion; but you won't likely be able to muster self-compassion until you practice self-love. Practicing conscious self-love is also the antidote for feelings of lack and victim consciousness. I know people who love discussing boundaries these days, but when practicing conscious self-love, you discover that we don't even need a boundary because the things other people do are not problematic for you. Boundaries are attempts to control others and set up a conditional environment where you won't be triggered. What is the use in that? On ce you ar e f eel i n g w h ol e an d l oved, i t i s i m possi bl e NOT t o at t r act m or e l ove t o you . Why do we need t his appl icat ion of conscious sel f -l ove? Because you can't give away what you don't have. People who practice conscious self-love are the only people capable of unconditionally loving others. When we try to be nice to others and know it is not working, we become resentful because we don't love ourselves. We become obsessed with seeing others' lack of perfection and then enjoy judging them, picking on them, and fixing them, but in all truthfulness, these problems we are seeing is simply a projection of our lack of self-love and acceptance. The harsher our internal self-talk (our inner critic), the sharper our outer talk to others (bitterness and meanness) and judgments. Maybe you have been doing beautiful things to win other's approval, so you can prove you are a good person. But these actions are not fueled by self-love either, AND they serve to take us away from this idea of conscious self-love. These actions even help us avoid genuinely loving We get great information about our inner selves from our relationships and the mirrors our partners hold up for us. If we create a restrictive environment for ourselves with these boundaries, we are interfering with opportunities to grow. Moreover, with boundaries, we are giving the boundary recipient power to dictate how we feel by their behaviors. This is the exact opposite of what will happen in conscious self-love. When in that mode, if someone purposively or accidentally upsets you, it just doesn't bother you, because our lens of self-love helps us see the truth. In all likelihood, they are most likely projecting some of their problems upon us and are momentarily unconscious that they are doing it. What they are saying has nothing to do with us. Now that is powerful stuff and a bit less time consuming than boundary-setting too! Plus, once you are feeling whole and loved, it is impossible not to attract more love to you. Page 9