Law of Attraction Magazine - Holiday Issue! May, June 2020 | Page 10

Con sci ou s sel f -l ove i s t h e pr act i ce of u n con di t i on al l ove f or you you . The world needs everyone to collect themselves and find their self-love... but how? Most people grew up without unconditional love from their parents because it was more of an unconscious and conditional variety. Even worse, some people grew up with no real love at all and perhaps were abused or experienced some trauma. This lack of love is what we are seeing expressed in the world today. To change this situation, we bring it to our awareness and rework it! All of your past experiences of others being unkind to you are indeed upsetting. If we see the experiences as (1) in the past, but which is now ruling 85% of your behaviors... we will understand that we are attracting negative things to us. And (2), this a great opportunity for these lessons to help us grow. It's at this point we can move toward conscious self-love. The import ance of pract icing Conscious Sel f -l ove Dail y BEs and Dail y DOs.Your Daily BE is your way of being. The lens or filter you use to help process the incoming information will result in the vibes/ energy you give out, whether consciously or unconsciously. If your subconscious suitcase is unpacked and you are practicing conscious self-love, you will be able to draw it all in and then give out this love. Some people call this the self-fulfilling prophecy, the Law of Attraction, Karma, or The Secret. I like to use Dr. David Burns's idea from his book,Feeling Good-The New Mood Therapy. You are in a good mood, so you move about the world pretty happy. People see and appreciate that. They can only react or mirror 'happy' back to you. The opposite would be true if you were acting sad. Over time, these daily experiences of you giving out one thing and then receiving back that same thing starts to become your natural state. Your Daily DOs are your behaviors in this world that result from your Daily BEs. You have to be good in your BEs if you want to be adaptive in your DOs. Most people are not attending to their BEs and then getting frustrated when their DOs are not so wonderful. When practicing conscious self-love DOs, you are changed, and you've activated a sort of self-love protection shield. In the beginning of this process, DOing the self-love behaviors/ actions changes your relationship with yourself on a behavioral level, and also works to chip away at our default filters and subconscious patterns of unworthiness, which may stem from not feeling deserving of love. Over time, you realize there is nothing to DO to make you worthy of your or You act l i k e you l ove YOU. Li k e h ow you r best f r i en d f eel s abou t you . Not f or st u f f , n ot t o f u l f i l l you r ?pu r pose,? n ot t o get r ei n f or ced... j u st so you f eel w or t hy of l ove. Con sci ou s sel f -l ove i s n ot sel f - cen t er ed or n ar ci ssi t i c. another's love. You are PERFECT as is, right now! These DOs help you to come to recognize, remember, and live at the much more fun state of love bliss, where you and your 'Beautiful Soul' belong! You can learn more about how to develop conscious self-loving Daily BE sandDail y Dos in the book,Conscious Self-Love by Jill Blackwell, Ph.D. Dr. Blackwell, Ph.D., LPC, is an award-winning professor of psychology and licensed clinical practitioner with a unique talent in taking another's perspective and promoting feelings of personal adequacy and empowerment. She provides counsel in a kind, compassionate, and growth-promoting manner. Dr. Jill is trained in the Healing Spectrums Method and is a Practical Meditation Teacher. Please visit her website at Page 10 Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove ar e r eal l y t h e on l y peopl e capabl e of u n con di t i on al l y l ov i n g ot h er s. Pu r ch ase You r COPY Today - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove ar e k i n d t o t h em sel ves an d t r eat ot h er s w i t h k i n dn ess. - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove accept t h em sel ves an d t r eat ot h er s w i t h accept an ce. - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove f or gi ve t h em sel ves an d t r eat ot h er s w i t h f or gi ven ess. - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove t ak e car e of t h ei r bodi es an d t each ot h er s t o do t h e sam e. - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove t each ot h er s t o l ove t h em sel ves (especi al l y t h ei r ch i l dr en ). - Peopl e w h o pr act i ce con sci ou s sel f -l ove t each ot h er s t o t ak e car e of t h em sel ves an d t h e ci r cl e of l ove, accept an ce, f or gi ven ess, an d car e gr ow s. Page 11