Law of Attraction Magazine February, 2016 | Page 39
based on the proverbial term of "LACK." Situations
such as these are telling you that you do not trust
the process of life to always bring you what you
need. What about diarrhea? Very simply, it
represents the fear of life. The feelings of being
rejected. The need to run and hide from the world
almost to the point of isolation.
side of the forefinger?s nail.
By stimulating this point you allow the energy
to wake up and flow smoothly releasing those
reoccurring thought patterns without even
thinking about them. You start off by asking
yourself ?What emotion or reoccurring thought
pattern is causing this discomfort??
As you
All these symptoms are representative of issues as tap, you simply have the desire to finally
to what is going on in the mind. Once your realize release not only this emotion that is currently
what it is all about, you have the knowledge in
creating havoc in the colon, it will release all
which to easily release the issue. You may not
those emotions that have kept you stuck from
know or remember the actual or
creating your dreams.
orginial occurance AND
Say to yourself, ?I am now
truthfully, you don?t need to
free of these emotional
know. Just by acknowledging
blocks that have kept me
that there is a block that is
from moving forward. I am
keeping you stuck is good
now trusting that my life is
enough to start the wheels
magical and fulfilling my all
moving forward, especially in
my desires for my highest
the colon.
good." You can make up any
The healthy energy of your colon
sentence, but it is highly
meridian enables you to release
recommended that you use
the negative patterns of
the I AM Affirmations that the
thinking, destructive emotions
mind really resonates with.
and spiritual blockades that have
By repeating these stateactually stopped you from
ments and at the same time
creating our dreams. By working on those
tapping the point on the colon meridian you not
meridians, paying attention to your body and
only help the colon, you actually rid yourself of
searching for communication with a certain
the mental conditions responsible for our
acupuncture point, you change the reality in your
discomfort to begin with.
outer life.
The meridian language is a special magical
Generally, all diseases appear because of some
language which helps us activate the potentials
connected condition of the emotions which are
of our Higher Self. Take note how fast you will
never set free and where a person holds too much
find yourself not only relieved of the
negativity. Changes and transformations come
discomfort, you will notice that your mind is far
because of the readiness and willingness to release
more open to new and exciting things flowing to
what doesn?t serve us anymore.
The exercise of pat t ing t he point on t he col on
You have now open up past blockages. Be
meridian ?LI-1 (l arge int est ine 1):
prepare to now allow all the good in life to flow
The initial contact point on the colon meridian is
to you!
the point on your forefinger which is on the outer
Jewel s Johnson is Edit or-in-Chief
Page 39 - February, 2016