Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 48
are attaching onto other people?s dreams, or the goals we
were brought up to believe we should aim for, or following
the images in the media. Law of Attraction is attaching to our
emotions not just our thoughts (and often ?sensible? goals are
from our head which won't attract the right energy in order for
them to happen).
So how do we know what we really want or how do we know
that our goals are coming from the right place? Well it?s a
process of looking inside ourselves and thinking before
speaking or writing out our goals. Finding the time to be with
ourselves, meditating, sitting in the silence, being with our
true selves, turning off the TV, music and voices in our head to Lu cy M ack in t osh givin g a Law of At t r act ion
listen to that voice inside of ourselves. What is that voice
Cou r se
saying? If we dare to listen, dare to believe and dare to allow
it to be heard we?ll hear it, then feel it, then feel that rush of energy that will bring forth the manifestation!
Something that has always stuck in my mind, is when I
decided to take the decision to leave my job to follow my
heart and start up my own business, how nobody
congratulated me, supported me, believed in my dreams, but
how everyone was trying to get me to stay! They were seeing
my life through their eyes not through my eyes, or more
accurately not through my heart. Which makes sense, how
could they ? they just saw what they could see on the outside
(I had a secure job with a great company, a tax free salary and
an excellent career path ahead of me). They couldn?t see that
I felt dead inside and my heart was screaming out that I
wanted to make a difference in the world; impacting
individuals to follow their heart to live the life they wanted to live.
Du bai Law of At t r act ion M eet u p
gr ou p h as 5000 m em ber s
What is your heart telling you that maybe you?re not listening to? Is
your life ?how it should look? but still not making you happy? One of the ways to really know what you want is to
dare to dream and not listen to the excuses ? ?but I have a good job?, ?but I have a family to support?, ?but I?m too
old to start a new career?, ?but I?m not attractive enough? ? are all the excuses we say to ourselves, hoping that
our head will over-power our heart?s desires.
As the year draws to a close and we think about what we want out of next year let?s not think about the usual
resolutions such as losing weight, giving up smoking and going to the gym more, but think about what we REALLY
want ? to write a book, to start a new career, to look for a more fulfilling relationship or whatever else your heart
is screaming out. And what happens when we step up and dare to follow our true path ? the Universe sees it,
grabs onto it and shows us the path!
Lucy Mackint osh is an Int ernat ional Law of At t ract ion Teacher, Inspirat ional Speaker
and Founder of t he Worl d's Largest Law of At t ract ion Meet up Group. For more
inf ormat ion or t o cont act Lucy Direct l y pl ease visit : www.l awof at t ract
www.f l awof at t ract iongroup
You can al so email her at l ucy@l awof at t ract
Page 48 - December, 2016