Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | Page 42
A Story of Darkness
and Hope
By Ken t Heck en l i vel y, J.D.
I really wasn?t interested in treating the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the way a
prosecuting attorney would treat a criminal enterprise. Unfortunately, they have given me no other choice.
One might argue that it wasn?t necessarily their fault. They were simply acting under a bad law, the 1986
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Haven?t heard of that law? You?re not alone. Prepare to have your
eyes opened by my new book, INOCULATED: How Science Lost its Soul in Autism, now available on Amazon.
Long before we decided
that foreign terrorists were
too dangerous to let them
see the inside of a
traditional American
courtroom, we made the
same decision about
vaccine- injured children.
You see, in 1986, the
discussion wasn?t about
autism, but about how
many children were being
injured or killed by their
vaccines. The vaccine
companies were in danger
of going out of business
because of the tidal wave
of lawsuits. Don?t you think
the reasonable response
would have been to make
safer vaccines, or figure out
how to give them more safely?
But the answer given by our Congress was to create the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which
imposed its own court system, often referred to as ?Vaccine Court?, which has some peculiar rules of
evidence. For example, if your toaster catches fire this morning and burns down your kitchen, you can sue the
manufacturer and find out how many of their toasters have been reported as catching on fire. Sounds
reasonable, right? The public benefits from this openness and transparency in the form of safer toasters.
Page 42 - December, 2016