Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2016 | страница 11

listening and supplying everything we need to are physical extensions of the non-physical, and succeed! As we become aware and align with that we are co-creators with Source to expand our true self, new ideas will birth new thoughts and grow the universe. People come to earth to to expand us individually and as a whole. We are live a life of love, joy, peace, goodness and abundance. People have the power to create the learning that we cannot force anything, but that through the Law of Attraction we can think and life that they choose. By dreaming, thinking and allow things to manifest. We are creating our imagining what we want, we send out own reality everyday vibrational energies by the thoughts we that attract that think about, focus which we desire. upon, and are What we sow We Have t h e abilit y AND t h e emotionally and mentally, we reap pow er t o cr eat e a n ew w or ld vibrationally aligned physically. Where we or der of love, joy, peace, with. are is where we are goodn ess an d abu n dan ce f or all. based on the This Bible will assist vibrational thoughts and help you to It 's t h e Law of At t r act ion t h at and feelings we awaken and attune to m ak es t h is possible nurture and your true self and Dr . St an Gr avely, Ph .D entertain: good or allow others to do the bad. What we same. It also will conceive, believe e