Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2015 | страница 5
from there on). So, if we are aligned to higher frequencies in general, we don?t have to put all of our
effort and energy into keeping up a few, short-lived
To raise our overall vibratory rate, a very practical
approach is to align to specific higher vibrating energies, which I call ?Energy Codes?, while at the
same time getting rid of low vibrating (darker)
Codes. This allows us to do this work step- by- step
and in a sustainable manner, without the need to
address too many details.
W hy Does Al i gnment t o Speci f i c
Codes Change Our Real i t y?
The Law of Attraction is very simple ? you attract
what you are on every level. On the level of human
interaction, the resonance of you triggers similar
resonances in everyone around you, making them
feel the same resonance ? be it high or low. (Most
people don?t feel it consciously, but it still effects
Long Term Ef fect s
The Law doesn?t only work ?in the moment?, and
isn?t restricted to time & space ? the more you
are aligned to higher vibrating feelings, the more
your reality will reflect this energy back to you.
Even if you begin with just feeling 5 minutes of
gratitude each morning, and maybe 5 minutes of
excitement for the day to come, it will gradually
change the situations and people that you interact with.
On an energy
level, you get exactly what you
send out? so
feeling 5 minutes of love will
return at least 5
back to you,
which makes an
overall of 10 minutes? and these 10 minutes
where you feel love& beloved will create another 10 minutes and so on!
While this won?t manifest specific situations it
will definitely create a more joyful and happy
life for you. If you feel happy & joyful ? does it
matter what situation you are in?
The more you practice the alignments, the more
your overall vibration will rise and stay on higher
levels? enabling you to create ever brighter
If you feel grateful (gratitude has a quite high frequency, since it is already in the ?giving? spectrum),
you not only feel good yourself, but it stimulates
gratitude in everyone around you. And isn?t it cool if
everyone around you feels grateful?
This one is particularly helpful in situations where
you interact with people. No matter what the purpose of the given situation is ? if you give or receive
or both ? always feel grateful while doing it, or at
least at the end. If the feeling is pure, it will be triggered in the other ` one, too, and they feel grateful
for whatever your interaction was about, keeping
you in good memory.
Energi es To Al i gn To
Here are a few examples of energies to align to,
ordered by their frequency (lower to higher).
There are lots more, and some have attributes
which are useful in specific situations (like
Courage), while others are vibrations that we can
align to 24 hours/ day (Acceptance would be a
good example of this)
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