Law of Attraction Magazine December, 2015 | Page 13
I asked my readers to
help stop the Texas
wildfires several years
The fires stopped.
I asked my readers to
help my dying mother
several years ago.
send out an energy that will help dissolve the
fear in and around us. I?m asking you to do this
As I was writing this, I was reminded of the
famous Paradoxical Commandments written by
Dr. Kent M. Keith. They go like this ?People are illogical, unreasonable, and
self-centered. Love them anyway.
My mother is still with
?If you do good, people will accuse you of
selfish ulterior motives. Do good anyway.
Together, we can do
something about Paris,
?If you are successful, you will win false
friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway.
I?m not saying ignore current reality. I?m asking
you to create a better reality.
I?m saying don?t get caught up in fear. I?m asking
you to come from faith.
Look. If you think an attack will get you or a
loved one, then it?s already gotten you.
You?re living in fear. Your life is dark, gloomy
and in a cage.
The media is flawless at
whipping us into fear. So I
suggest ignoring the
mainstream media. It?s
not information, it?s
propaganda. That?s why
it?s called ?programming.?
It gets large groups of
people to think negative, which of course then
becomes reality.
Why can?t we do the opposite? Why can?t we
get large groups of people to think positive?
?The good you do today will be forgotten
tomorrow. Do good anyway.
?Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.
?The biggest men and women with the
biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest
men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.
?People favor underdogs but follow only top
dogs. Fight for a few underdogs anyway.
?What you spend years building may be
destroyed overnight. Build anyway.
?People really need help but may attack you if
you do help them. Help people anyway.
?Give the world the best you have and you?ll
get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the
best you have anyway.?
I know you may feel that thinking positive may
be a waste of time. Do it anyway.
Yes, be sure to travel safely and wisely.
I know you may feel that your efforts are
insignificant. Do it anyway.
Yes, be sure you take care of yourself and your
I know you may wonder if group meditation will
really work. Do it anyway.
Yes, contribute to any causes you believe in that
help people who need it right now.
But also check the storehouse in your mind. Are
you living in fear, or living in trust? Are you
coming from fear, or faith? Are you focused on
the negative, or are you doing something to
create a positive? We are always at choice.
My plea is that the readers will stop, breathe,
and focus on love; pray, or in some positive way
I know you may doubt
if prayer will help. Do it
Let?s create the
positive future we want
right now.
Let?s focus on spirit.
Let?s focus on love.
Page 13 -December , 2015