Law of Attraction Magazine August, 2015 Issue | Page 50
money into my life so I could one day impact the world and become rich within a certain company. I had several deals on
the table that were all on the edge of closing and making me a very large sum of money, but suddenly they all fell through.
At the time it seemed like a pain in the ass that this would happen, but my soul and life had a very different path. I ended
up leaving finance very shortly after as my personal journey was unfolding quickly. CE got started and this became what I
do full-time. Now I have money I require to live and we are able to do projects we need to do to make an impact but its all
coming through a very different avenue than in my past.
What did I take from this? Why did I not attract the money even though it was for the ?higher good?? Simply because there
was A LOT I needed to learn first and looking back at it all, it was very clear as to why none of it played out that way. I
learned so much about my perception of money, my own internal belief systems and self-worth etc. It wasn?t that the LOA
did not or does not work, but rather I was looking to create something specific and I just needed to learn a few things first.
After all, it all came into place but through different avenues. If I didn?t take the signs and hints and change life paths, I
would have potentially missed out on my journey with CE.
A Few Ot her Key Not es
When we are using the LOA, we are often very attached to a certain outcome. Again, this can often be a great time for us to
inadvertently create a whole different experience simply so we can move beyond the attachments that we create at the
mind level. It?s the LOA working in ways our minds often don?t want to admit.
Another key thing to realize is that when we are detached, looking to do something in line with our path, often times
having a strong belief in what we wish to create makes a big difference. So often we go on using the LOA but from a half
effort, partial doubting state of mind where we aren?t really tapping into our true creative ability.
Bottom line, we are energy beings living in an energy based world, of cours RF