Manchester Campus
Corbin Campus
A World-Class Education , Just Down the Road
Eastern Kentucky University offers regional campuses in Corbin and Manchester . Complete all your general education requirements close to home , or complete a full degree on-site , including :
• Criminal Justice |
• Elementary Education |
• Police Studies |
• Social Work |
• General Studies |
• Middle Grade Education & CAPT |
• Psychology |
• State Registered Nurse Aid |
“ I was able to stay at home and take all of my classes at the Corbin campus . Staying home was very important to me so that I could be with my family and still work my full-time job throughout college . I knew EKU had the remote campuses that other colleges didn ’ t have .”
- Annie Sharp , ’ 21 , Elementary Education
In addition to the convenient location of EKU ’ s regional campuses , get special perks through EKU Advantage , like free textbooks , automatic scholarships and no application fee .
A wide variety of dual credit courses are available for high school juniors and seniors who meet the eligibility requirements .
Learn more at corbin . eku . edu or manchester . eku . edu
EKU Corbin | corbin . eku . edu | Just 1.5 miles off I-75 on the Corbin Bypass One Pennington Way , Corbin , KY | 40701 606-528-0551 | corbin @ eku . edu
EKU Manchester | manchester . eku . edu | Just ½ mile off the Hal Rogers Parkway at Exit 20 | 50 University Drive , Manchester , KY 40962 | 606-598-8122 manchester @ eku . edu