Launchify 360 review & Launchify 360 (Free) $26,700 bonuses Launchify 360 review and MEGA $38,000 Bonus - 80% | 页面 5

Not with the Launchify 360 strategy .
In this module he is going to show you how he continued to make lots of cash even after the launch day without losing momentum .
Module 9 : The 6-Figure Launch Closing On Steroids
For most people , the sales continue to drop after the opening day and by the 5th days there were hardly any sales coming in . On the contrary , using the Launchify360 strategies , his multiple 6-figure product launch with Mobimatic actually made MORE SALES on the last day than the 2 previous days combined !
In this module , Dr Ope and his team will show you the exact ninja strategies they used to close the 5-day Launch with over $ 81,000 + in additional Sales , and BEAT OUT $ 17 PRODUCT TO TOP THE SALES LEADERBOARD with their high ticket product selling for $ 297 .
These Launchify 360 closing strategies were so impressive , JVzoo actually awarded them the unprecedented Product-Of-The-Day AGAIN , the day after their closed !
You will get an insider ’ s look into what they did and how they did it , in this module . It was epic .
Module 10 : Launchify 360 Post-Launch Strategies For Making Even More Sales
It ’ s one thing to make multiple 6-figure income during your launch , but it ’ s a totally different thing to keep that money . If you didn ’ t know what to do , you can easily lose a big chunk of money you already banked through massive refunds from your customers who would be experiencing the dreaded buyer ’ s remorse .
During their multiple 6-figure product launch , they were hemorrhaging money in refunds because they didn ’ t initially know what to do . Eventually they got their act together saved themselves thousands in refunds .
You will get the full details of what they did wrong and how they turned it around .
Module 11 : The Launchify360 Post-Launch Income Defense Strategy
When their Launch officially closed on A super note , they still didn ’ t quit making money . they implemented the Launchify360 AFTER-LAUNCH strategies to wring out even more money from their customers and prospects .