In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
Performing LIVE
at the 4th Annual
Cuban Sandwich
Festival in Tampa,
Florida, we had the
pleasure of interviewing Grammy
Winning artist
Marlow Rosado!
Latin Time Magazine: Tell
us how you got started as a
Marlow Rosado: It's a funny
story, when I was seven years
old I asked my mother for
one of those big yellow Tonka
trucks for Christmas. On
Christmas day when I opened
the big box under the Christmas tree, I thought it was my
big Tonka truck instead it was
in Organ. I have no idea how
my mother went from buying a
Tonka truck to buying an
organ, all I can say is that it
must have been divine intervention. I believe had she
bought me that Tonka truck,
today I would be a truck driver
not a musician. So there must
have been a greater force at
Latin Time Magazine: Please
tell us about you family and
where you are from
Marlow Rosado: I was born in
Puerto Rico in a town called
Cataño. I am the first musician in my family, which is
odd because I discovered this
talent without having any prior
history or someone close to me
to mimic.
Latin Time Magazine: What
in your opinion has been your
greatest achievement in your
life as a musician?
Marlow Rosado: I have done
many things in the world of
music, I have produced many
records for many artists, I have
written many songs, I have a
bachelor’s degree in education
and taught elementary school
music for 10 years, are you on
a recording studio in the city
of Miami, and have trav-
Latin Times Magazine
eled to many great countries
throughout the world; however, when we are talking about
my greatest achievement, it is
without a doubt the moment
I got up on the stage at the
staple center and Los Angeles
to receive my Grammy Award
for best tropical Latin album
on February 10, 2013. Up until
this very moment, that has
been the single most important
and memorial day of my entire
Latin Time Magazine: What
has been your greatest obstacle,
and how did you overcome it?
Marlow Rosado: I come from
a humble family and went
to very underprivileged and
inner-city schools. Graduating
high school with such a low
grade point average that no
university wanted to accept me.
Fighting through that until I
was finally able to be accepted
into Florida Atlantic University was my biggest challenge.
FAU was my saving grace,
they believed in my talent and
believe that they can make
a great student out of me. I
struggled a lot to catch up and
feel like I belonged in such an
amazing place. I can proudly
say that after many years from
the day I graduated FAU, I have
now been given the honor to
be named one of their "Distinguished Alumnus" an honor
reserved for the best graduates
of any institution.
Latin Time Magazine: What
can your fans expect from you
Marlow Rosado: I have three
albums the first one is called
"SALSALSA" the second one is
called "RETRO" and that's the
one that won the Grammy, I
am currently promoting my
third album called "SALSANIMAL" and later this year I will
be releasing one of my most
exciting projects ever, a record
that I am doing with one of
my teachers, A person I listen
to as a child growing up, One
of tropical music's legendary
Pianist, and someone I can
truly call a friend, the very
famous Larry Harlow. This will
be my fourth album and one
that has been a true pleasure to
produce. The name of this record will be very appropriately
Abraza el calor de tu cultura!