The Holy Place
Who are these
Sleeping Dry
Ezequiel was a Levite prophet
among the elite of Judah who
saw a vision that until now
has never truly been explained
who are the Dry Bones in the
Valley? Interesting fact, King
David came from the Tribe
of Judah and then later his
descendants Mary, Joseph, and
Jesus who is known as Yeshua
the Hamashiach (Jesus the
Christ) who is also known as
the Lion of Judah, were also
from the tribe of Judah. History states that most Sephardic
Jews from Spain were direct
descendants to King David and
King Solomon. These are the
Jews who fled Israel during the
invasion and destruction of
the Temple in 586 BCE by the
What I am about to tell you
is a revelation that I want to
share with you about who these
people are in the Valley of the
Dry Bones that the Prophet
Ezequiel saw in a vision (Ezekiel 37:1-14). Since the Spanish
Inquisition that began in 1482
and led to the 1492 Expulsion
of the Sephardic Jews from
Spain, their descendants,
Hispanic/Latinos, have lost
the true knowledge over the
centuries of their true inheritance and the lost knowledge
of hidden secrets concealed
from them of who they are and
where they truly come from.
In the scriptures and ancient
Hebrew text there are many
references to the children of
Israel who are from the Islands
far away and God bringing
them back to their homeland
Israel, among these are the
Hispanic/Latinos from the
Caribbean and South America
that were driven to a land far
away from an ancient place and
time long lost to us.
Most Hispanic/Latinos can
trace their roots to Spain, yet in
reality it goes far beyond that.
When the Prophet Ezequiel
saw in a vision “The Valley of
the Dry Bones” (Ezekiel 37:1014) God had instructed him
to first prophesy over the dry
bones, then God breathed into
them which really meant his
Spirit, bringing them back to
life. God also said “My people,
I am going to open your graves
and bring you up from them;
I will bring you back to the
land of Israel.” When Ezequiel
did this he saw them stand on
their feet and become a vast
army. The army of the tribe of
Judah…WOW, imagine that!
The revelation that has been
hidden is that these Dry Bones
are the Lost Children of Israel,
especially the descendants of
the Sephardic Jews of Spain
who are today the Hispanic/
Latino people.
A people who were forced to
first leave Israel, then Spain,
and eventually become dead
to their true inheritance. A
people lost and blinded by
the deception of the Roman
Catholic Church, forced to
change and submit to an
agenda centuries ago. Obadiah
1:20B States this one of many
Latin Times Magazine
Prophetic truths…”And the
exiles of Jerusalem who are
in Sepharad (Descendants of
Sephardic Jews of Spain) will
possess the cities of the Negev.”
Interesting enough the word
“Negev” which is the Southern
part of Israel comes from the
Hebrew root word “DRY” The
Negev was inhabited by the
Tribe of Judah and then part
of the Kingdom of Judah. The
Sephardic Jews from Spain
were the direct descendants of
the tribe of Judah. Yes, here in
lies the significance of all this,
The Hispanic/Latinos are the
people in the Valley of the Dry
Bones, they are the Sleeping
Giant, they are the VAST Army
that God will rise that will
stand against the forces of evil.
Sounds crazy? Well Just think
about this, Hispanic/Latinos
are a people who are the fastest
growing race in the World
today, a people lost to their
inheritance, unknowing, they
are asleep and when the true
Prophetic Word comes, God’s
breath, yes the Holy Spirit will
come and bring “REVIVE-AL”
A mighty awakening will
come and the sleeping Giant
will arise, they will know and
understand their purpose. The
Hispanic/Latinos will begin the
Journey, first to La Madre Patria (Spain) Where just recently
in Fact Spain has Opened its
doors to the descendants of the
Sephardic Jews from Spain to
return and become Citizens,
then the Journey to their true
home will began to Israel, to
the Negev, and when their feet
touch the Ground rain will
fall and the Land will flourish
and the First Stone of the last
Temple will be placed. Therein
the third Temple will be built
because these people are the
Key to the house of David,
they are the vast army who will
stand against the enemy in the
last days and are the ones who
will build the third and last
Temple ush