Florida’s Latina Leaders
Latin Times Magazine gets
to know Diana Bolivar of the
Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce of Metro Orlando
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Tell us how you
got started as a business woman.
Diana Bolivar: I have always been influenced and naturally geared towards business and entrepreneurship. At nine years
old, I started my first company, which
was a paper delivery service. I remember
waking up at 4:30 am and delivering the
newspapers to my neighbors. From my
first job to my current job, I have continued to keep a strong work ethic in order to
achieve my American Dream.
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Tell us about your
position with Orlando Hispanic Chamber
of Commerce, what are some of the initiatives or goals that you have set for your
time as president.
Diana Bolivar: My role as President is
to influence, lead and promote economic
development for Hispanic businesses as
well as our members through HCCMO’s
business model: Business Networking,
Business Exposure and Recognition, and
Business Development. We do this by
strengthening relationships, promoting
resources, serving as the bridge between
Latin Times Magazine
large corporations and our local Hispanic
businesses, supporting organizations with
a mission to promote and preserve Hispanic heritage, and recognizing Hispanic
individuals and companies that influence
our community. As our programs and
benefits have increased, the HCCMO is
making a top priority to continuing to set
the standard in inclusion and diversity
amongst our partner organizations and
various ethnic business members.
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: What other hats
do you wear?
Diana Bolivar: Aside from being a proud
mother and wife, I have made it my personal responsibility to serve on community boards. Serving on varies community
organization boards I have learned the
importance of giving rather than receiving.
Serving my community has allowed me
to keep a mentality of “paying it forward”.
With this in mind, I expect to be engaged
within the community that I live, learn,
work and play in.
others to achieve their inner greatness
through authenticity, uniqueness and
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: What has been
your greatest obstacle, and how did you
overcome it?
Diana Bolivar: Receiving 100% approval
has been one of my biggest obstacles to
overcome. I’ve always been hard on myself
both professionally and personally, which
in turn demanded constant approval. By
realizing that you can’t and won’t please
everyone all of the time, I was able to
overcome this obstacle. As a reminder, I
apply the 80/20 rule, in knowing that I will
always be able to please 80% of people and
that there will always be 20% who will not
be happy with what I do.
Diana Bolivar
Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
of Metro Orlando
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: What in your
opinion has been your greatest achievement in your life as a leader in business &
Diana Bolivar: My greatest achievement
has been the opportunity to be a role
model for women and minorities within
leading positions. Holding myself in being
an influential role model, I hope to inspire
Abraza el calor de tu cultura!