Check out the great RFC Championship Fights !

R eal Fighting Championships , Inc . was

formed by Joe Valdez & Jason Freyre in
October of 2004 . RFC ’ s first event , on February 18th , 2005 was the beginning of a new Tampa Bay tradition . RFC is committed to bringing top ranked professional fights to the bay area and other cities in Florida .
Joe Valdez is a native of Tampa , and has been around the fight game for many years . His knowledge will show in his ability to bring you exceptional fights as a veteran in matchmaking . Jason Freyre grew up in New York City and has been a resident of Florida for over 30 years . Jason is also the President of Jason ’ s Hauling , Inc . and has been in business for the past 15 years . His dedication in business shows he too is devoted to bringing top ranked fights for all fight fans to enjoy .
RFC solely promotes Mixed Martial Arts , No Holds Barred fights . MMA demonstrates fighting styles such as kick boxing , grappling , ju-jitsu , judo and many more . No Holds Barred ( NHB ) definition is very limited rules . Everything goes except , eye gouging , kicking to the head , and biting .
For more info , please visit : RFCMMA . com !
By : Victor Padilla
Six years ago , after having her daughter , Ysabella , Joy Padilla-Anderson found herself unsatisfied with her weight and feeling burnt out with the gym . Feeling like she needed something to challenge her , Joy heard about Roller Derby . Joy grew up skating at , United Skates of America , off Armenia in Tampa , FL . After a lot of “ talking and thinking about Roller Derby “, she finally went and checked it out .
Joy began to Roller Derby in Tampa Bay in the summer of 2006 , with The Tampa Bay Derby Darlins . Starting in the Newbie Pool , which is an intensive training course for Roller Derby . Joy had to learn how to skate all over again , how to fall , pick herself up , she also learned how to stop , how to hit , and the rules & regulations of Roller Derby . After about 4 months Joy was placed on her first team ,” The Switch Blade Sisters ” , where she remained for about 3 months and was in her first ( 1 ) Intra-league Bout . In August of 2007 , Joy moved away from her native Tampa to Memphis , TN , not missing a beat , she jumped right into Roller Derby by joining the Memphis Roller Derby league ; she became addicted to the sport ! Joy had to once again become a newbie and Pass the test to be placed on a team . The Memphis Roller Derby League was VERY serious about their players . After passing the test , Joy was placed on the team “ PrizsKilla Prezleys “ in the winter of 2007 . Let the Bouts begin ! Practicing 2 nights a week and Bouting ( Bouting is what the matches are called instead of games ) about once a month and doing 8 hours of service for the community for the league , Roller Derby had become about 80 % of her life . In the winter of 2008 Joy tried out for the Roller Derby Travel Team , The Memphis Hustlin ’ Rollers , this team was comprised of all the all-stars from the

Joy Padilla-Anderson aka “ La Sucia ”

How Roller Derby made this Tampa Latina into a very strong and confident woman !
three Memphis teams , and SHE MADE it !!! On to more Serious Derby , Joy has had the honor to play teams from ; Dallas , Houston , Oklahoma , St Louis , Florida , Arkansas , and Kentucky , helping the team make it to the Regional ’ s in Atlanta in the summer of 2009 . When we asked Joy how she feels about Roller Derby ? “ I love this sport ! It is very challenging and empowering for me . I can ’ t imagine my life without Roller derby , it ’ s a great outlet , and I ’ ve had the opportunity to meet such great strong women such as business owners , artists , teachers , lawyers , etc .” Being a Roller Derby star carries a big responsibility along with it including , but not limited to the PR work which keeps her very involved with her fans as well as the local community . Joy has had the privilege of being featured in a music video , “ The Runner ”, by local Memphis artist , “ Organ Thief ”, which competed in a Video Showcase and was runner up . Joy has also done Burlesque Shows , Fashion shows , ( something she would have NEVER done before Roller Derby ), and Joy has also helped to raise funds for local charities and has been on several web casts . Currently Joy is the Business Operations Manager for The renowned restaurant and club “ The Cove ” in Memphis “ FUN ! FUN ! FUN !” -
Fast forward to the summer of 2010 and Joy is still in Love with Derby & has even inspired her husband Josh Anderson , who is an Archeologist by trade and currently a partner with his Father Mike Anderson @ A & L Bearings , into Coaching one of her teams while training the other . “ It ’ s awesome !” Joy ’ s parting words to us as she headed toward her next Bout !
When : Friday , November 05 , 2010 Doors open at 7:00pm , Fights start at 8:00pm Where : A LA CARTE PAVILLION 4050 Dana Shores dr . Tampa , Fl 33614 Call ticket master or RFC @ ( 813 ) 964-9818
Title Bout Danny “ Bad Boy ” Babcock
Team Animal , Freestyle Home Town : Port St . Lucy , FL Record : 6 - 2 Weight : 185 lbs . TITLE FIGHT : RFC MIDDLE WEIGHT CHAMP


Yosmany “ The Spartan ” Cabezos
Spartan Gym , Spartan Jujitsu Home Town : Tampa , FL Record : 8 - 2 Weight : 185 lbs . TITLE FIGHT : FLORIDA MIDDLE WEIGHT CHAMP
For more info visit : RFCMMA . com