don ’ t consider myself a daredevil , just someone who likes to play and have fun . Always been in sports , always getting into things , just trying to find out how things were .
by Alexandra argandona
Age : 23 HOMETOWN : Tampa , FL CULTURAL BACKGROUND : Puerto Rican
ACHIEVEMENTS : - One of 8 featured Athletes in MTV ’ s Ultimate Parkour Challenge - Achieved YouTube fame as the inventor of “ The Cast Bomb ,” a very highrisk move
His very serious approach to Parkour . He practices every day , rain or shine , and commits himself to following the Parkour philosophy lifestyle .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Where were you born and where did you grow up ? Daniel Arroyo : I grew up in Florida , but I was born in Fort Reilly , Kansas my father was in the military , I am a military brat .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : What is your profession ? Daniel Arroyo : Get that question a lot , they classify me as like a free runner , stunt man but stunt men practice falling , we practice landing .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Tell us about how you grew up ?
Daniel Arroyo : I guess as a kid I have always been active and known as a daredevil , I really
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : So you were like a monkey kid ? Daniel Arroyo : I guess you can say that , I like to climb trees and do things like that , so yeah you can say I am a monkey kid .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : How did you end up on MTV ? Daniel Arroyo : I made videos of my skills and things that I did and put it on You Tube and through You Tube my management eventually found me and signed me .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : How many bones have you broken ? Daniel Arroyo : I actually haven ’ t broken any bones , I have only had some sprains , sprained ankles , sprained wrists , and sprained my neck , but nothing broken .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Latino or Hispanic and why ? Daniel Arroyo : I definitely have to say Latino , when people ask what I am I ’ d say Latino , I don ’ t know if I ’ d say Hispanic or I ’ d say Latino or Puerto Rican . Definitely Latino because it symbolizes the Island type Spanish .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : What religion are you ? Daniel Arroyo : Christian .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Please tell us about your family Daniel Arroyo : Where would I begin with my family , my mother is the one who pretty much raised me , my father was always there when I grew up and then just this year recently my
father , my grandma and my grandfather all died . My father of cancer , my grandma had a heart attack , my grandma died of an aneurysm , but that has just pushed me to be a better person and display my emotions through movement rather than through depression .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Who ( here or departed ) do you consider to be a Latino / Hispanic role model for you , and why ? Daniel Arroyo : My mother because my mother always taught me to be the role model and I can look up to people for certain attributes , but don ’ t look at them for everything because everybody has flaws so if you look at somebody for everything of who they are , you ’ re going to look out for their flaws , so my mother , for teaching me to be a role model rather than looking up to somebody else ’ s footsteps .
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : Do you have a girlfriend ?
Daniel Arroyo : “ Laugh ” NO !
Alexandra Argandona / Latin Times : What are some of your immediate and / or long-term goals ?
Daniel Arroyo : There are so many , always to be a better person , to excel in everything I do .
Definitely to go back to school , I was going to school for engineering but I ’ m going to switch that to psychology . That ’ s pretty much it for now and I take everything as it comes , so I really don ’ t plan things because plans barely go as planned .
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