As hard as it is to imagine , The Arizona Law SB1070 or a closely related version of the law could be headed to Florida . If our voice ever needed to be heard-it needs to be heard now ! This is not only a LATINO issue ---this is a minority issue , and affects us all , Hispanics , African Americans , Asians , Middle Eastern , everyone !
I have always felt that we should vote for the right person …. not the right party , therefore Latin Times is a non-partisan media entity that wants only to educate you as to some of the candidates out there . After meeting with several of the candidates that are in the general election , we decided to post their answers here on the print edition of Latin Times Magazine as well as in the newly redesigned website : Latin-Times . com !
This is a pivotal year for all of us !
Visit us online for more coverage : Latin-Times . com
The all new Latin-Times . com features more up to date candidate coverage , where we will share our top picks based on one on one interviews with the different candidates and highlighting the candidates we felt were genuinely good honest people , that truly cared about our community and were committed to working for a better tomorrow .
Democratic Candidate for Florida House of Representatives , District 56
Our government and private industry have failed the general population through mismanagement , and our economy has suffered . Those in power created the economic collapse and have now targeted the undocumented Hispanic workers as their scapegoats , as they are the least economically and politically empowered individuals in today ‘ s American society .
It is not based on facts , but zeroes in on xenophobia , causing racial and cultural hatred and violence .
The solution : cut of the demand and you will cut off the supply . We don ’ t need new Draconian laws we need to enforce our existing laws by punishing employers who violate the law .
Democratic Candidate for Florida House of Representatives , District 58
The Arizona immigration law and its counterpart in Florida are misguided and poorly planned . They both are caused by an emotional reaction to a very real problem in some states . Legislators need to discuss the proposed immigration law at length during our next session . Immigration is a federal issue and should not be a patchwork of state laws . My constituents can be assured that I will be opposed to this law as it is currently written .
Democratic Candidate for Senator of Florida
We need common sense immigration reform . The kind of measure signed into law in Arizona is neither fair nor practical . It encourages police to question people who have done nothing wrong , and it does a disservice to people in this country who are employed , paying their taxes and are good citizens of their communities . That is not fair .
As a former Trooper in the Florida Highway Patrol , I know laws like these will also hamper law enforcement efforts and make it harder to find people who will speak out as witnesses to crimes . This law is impractical and will not make anyone safer .
While new immigration laws should be tough , they should be enforceable and not driven by a philosophical agenda .”
As you can infer from the statement , Kendrick does not support the law coming to Florida . Kendrick Meek Website : KendrickMeek . com
As we are non-partisan , candidates are chosen in an unbiased format regardless of which political party they represent !