Actress / Producer Paula Garces Teams with Creative Impulse for Comics and Animation on “ Aluna ”
ctress / Producer

APaula Garces , well known for starring roles in the “ Harold & Kumar ” film franchise and “ The Shield ”, FX television series , along with her production partners Antonio Hernandez and Michael Araiz newly formed Further Lane Productions , have joined forces with comic book media pioneers Creative Impulse Entertainment . Their first joint production , “ Aluna ”, a period piece set in the1500 ’ s about a mystical tribal princess taken from her native Colombia by conquistadors and raised in Spain , only to return to her homeland to save her people , a multi-platform starring vehicle for Garces . “ Aluna ” will debut as both a comic book and motion comic animation at this year ’ s San Diego Comic Con in July , along with a live action feature film and video game to follow with Garces , Hernandez and Araiz producing .

The comic and animation script , written by producer / screenwriter David Cornue , is being directed in both forms of media by Creative Impulse ’ s founder and award winning filmmaker , Jan Lucanus , best known for his critically acclaimed “ JFH : Justice-For-Hire ” mixed martial arts comic book / live action crossover series ( the
Congratulations to our good friend Denise Shreaves on the birth of her beautiful baby girl : Amanda Leigh Shreaves , born on 11 / 09 / 2009 at St . Joseph ’ s Womens Hospital . She weighed 5 lb . 13 ounces at birth . May God Bless the Shreaves family ! first comic series in the history of the industry to provide supplemental DVD content with each comic issue ). “ JFH ” lead artist Antonio Rojo is reteaming with Jan on “ Aluna ”, and collaborates for the first time with renowned character designer Chadwick Coleman to produce the art .
“ Aluna is a passion project of mine , even though it ’ s a period piece ; Aluna is the modern day Latina superhero . Which recent studies have shown is lacking in this medium ” says Garces . “ It ’ s great to be working with Creative Impulse Entertainment and finally bring to life the story of Aluna ; they ’ re the new generation of comics and media .” Jan Lucanus adds , “ Paula is talented , intelligent , and awesome . I ’ ve been a fan of hers for sometime so the opportunity to collaborate with Garces and Further Lane Productions is exciting .”
Ms . Garces can be seen on several upcoming episodes of the hit SyFy Channel original series , “ Warehouse 13 ” and on “ The mun2 Look ”, her hit fashion magazine style show . Paula co-created , executive produced and hosted for Mun2 Network . Lucanus ’ “ JFH : Justice-For- Hire ” series and other Creative Impulse comics are now available inside iTunes ’ Comics App for iPhone , iPod Touch , and iPad , as well as in comic shops internationally .
For more information , please visit www . Paula-Garces . net and www . CreativeImpulseEnt . com
Congratulations to the Pacheco Family on the birth of their beautiful daughter Elsie Pacheco !
May God Bless the Pacheco Family !
Soy Domingo Soto : El Cautivador de la Bachata
aci en La Descubierta Republica Dominicana y creci en San Jose de Ocoa

Nhasta mis 19 anos . De ahi tome la decision de irme a vivir a la Ciudad de Panama , estando 3 meses en Panama , me di cuenta que no era el lugar donde queria continuar viviendo . Y el destino me trajo a los Estados Unidos despues de casi 3 anos el cual fue un pais nunca pensado . Pero el destino lo hizo que fuera posible despues de tanto trabajo . Cuando llegue en el ano 1995 vi como la pasion de mi vida el canto y el tocar guitarra llenaba esos momentos de soledad y alegria . De ahi comence poco a poco a introducirme en la música practicando y escribiendo canciones . Soy un hombre muy feliz con dos hijos y una familia muy solida . Vengo de una familia humilde y trabajadora . En este momento me encuentro realizando mi sueno tan anelado al dedicarme mas tiempo a la música ; siempre he considerado que la humildad es la llave del éxito y el tener paciencia tambien . Hay momentos que a pesar de que uno quiera dedicarse a su sueno quizás no es el momento que Dios tiene designado ; pero en este ano 2010 considero que ya se llego el momento en brindarles todo mi talento musical como escritor y cantante de mi propia música . Y al poder escribir mi propia letra me hace original en mi genero . Soy amante de la música de Julio Iglesias , Vicente Fernandez y de los boleros de los 80‐s . Quiero crecer en la música pero nunca olvidando quien soy , de donde vengo , a donde estoy , y a donde voy . Y quiero darle gracias a todas las personas que están a mi alrededor por estar apoyando mi carrera en este momento y a mi familia . Gracias Jolie por esta oportunidad y creer en mi . Y a todos aquellos que tienen un sueno nunca se den por vencidos Si se puede !!. Su amigo , Domingo .