Fear not , the Light is GOD .
elcome to our new feature , a page we Hope will bring you
WHope , and renew your Faith in GOD .
Like many of you , I have recently been subjected to onslaught of challenges . Yes – times are not what they used to be , and there are days that I have had to work 10 times harder for half as much progress . Those are the times that we dread and fear , and if left unchecked those are the time , we could fall into negative thinking – and that is the worst thing that you could do .
When times are tough , hold on to that Hope ( in tomorrow ), and that Faith ( in today ), believing ( always ) that GOD is in control of your life , and as my mother always says “ no ay mal , que por bien no venga ”
Jesus said unto him , if thou canst believe , all things are possible to him that believeth . Mark 9:23
What keeps you going when your life feels like its falling apart and when circumstances seem unbearable and continuing on seems impossible ? When you don ’ t know where you will even catch a glimpse of the light , let alone , SEE the light at the end of the long dark tunnel . Remember , for God nothing is impossible !
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not scene . Hebrews 11:1 .
Now I challenge you to believe beyond believing , despite how dim it all looks . I challenge you to simply and continually have faith that your life and your circumstances are happening for a GOOD reason , be strong – and believe that GOD has everything in control .
You don ’ t have to know how it is going to happen , you just have to believe that it will happen , and thank GOD everyday for all the wonderful things that are in your life , find them and be grateful for them , thank him for today – which got you past yesterday , and has prepared you for a tomorrow which will shower you with blessings and peace .
Remember that your life may not be perfect ---but could always be so much worse . I have found that by helping people that are less fortunate than I am , it helps me to keep my heart always graqteful to the LORD , and gives me the courage to stand strong against my challenges .
There has never been a challenge in my life , that without GOD I would have survived . When it has seemed the darkest – and “ impossible ” that is when GOD has shinned the brightest in my heart , and always , ALWAYS , I would feel that sweet feeling of HOPE when it is born in my heart , and I would walk forward , in FAITH , knowing that only GOD can open the doors that no man can shut , and close the ones that should be closed ! I always survived my challenges , and I always come out stronger and better for it .
For we walk by faith , not be sight – 2 Corinthians 5:7
My HOPE is that God will use these Hope filled stories , and testimonies , to bring you into the arms of Jesus at a time when you feel too tired or fearful to walk on your own .
May God be with you , Today , Tomorrow and Always ! Jolie R . Gonzalez
I want to encourage you to share your testimonies and / or prayers with us , by emailing them to : OurCityOfHope @ Latin- Times . com . Visit us at MyCityOfHope . Org
O ften Times
we see the world through our own eyes as cruel , uncaring , violent , and sometimes without love . We have to remember that people all in all are affected by the tragedies and circumstances that bring them to who they are .
Jesus Christ is the perfect example of the utmost forgiving and unconditional love that every human being needs , without a question he willingly gave his life , suffered at the cross , and made it possible for all of us to know God ’ s perfect and unchallenged love .
These times we are living in are challenging for all of us and we need each other in strength to uphold one another , to be able to sacrifice of ourselves by helping one another .
Many times we go on day to day not noticing the concerns and traumatic events that affect others in our lives , even close friends .
on Friday , June 4 at 7:30 PM .
Sometimes our friends won ’ t even tell us what they are going through till it is so obvious it is unavoidable . Whether you want to acknowledge this fact or not we have to do something and in a surety God will bless us in return in ways you can ’ t even imagine . Psalm 82 : 3-4 says “ Defend the poor and fatherless : do justice to the afflicted and needy . Deliver the poor and needy : rid them out of the hand of the wicked . Psalm 121:1-8 says “ I will lift up my eyes to the hills – from whence comes my help ?
My help comes from the Lord , who made heaven and earth . He will not allow your foot to be moved ; He who keeps you will not slumber nor sleep . The Lord is your keeper ; the Lord is your shade at your right hand , the sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night . The Lord shall preserve you from all evil . He shall preserve your soul . The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in , from this time forth and even forevermore “ I know that God will do for you above and beyond what you do for others .
Love , Peace , and Blessings- Victor A . Padilla
Friday , June 4 th , 2010
A Night of Hope with Joel & Victoria Osteen at the St . Pete Times Forum
Joel and Victoria Osteen , pastors of the largest church in America , will hold a worship event at the St . Pete Times Forum in Tampa
“ A Night of Hope ” with Joel and Victoria Osteen is an outreach of Joel Osteen Ministries . The evening is an exciting time of praise and worship where attendees will hear an inspirational message of hope and God ’ s love from Joel and Victoria , along with the electrifying music of Dove Award-winning Cindy Cruse Ratcliff , Steve Crawford and the Lakewood Band and Ensemble . Evening event commences at 7:30 PM . For information visit : www . Stpetetimesforum . com
Annual Conference ; The Women Changing , Evolving and Maturing Conference / Times of Refreshing Get-away to be held on June 16-19 , 2010 . This year , the theme for the conference is Being Transformed . I believe that all Christians should be going from glory to glory and from faith to faith .
Pastor Deborah Powe , of Revealing Truth ministries will be speaking along with very special guest Pastor Taffi Dollar from World Changers Church International . On Friday morning , please join us at the Ritz Carlton , in Sarasota , FL for a time of reflecting , meditating and implementing the Word that you have heard .
Transforming : 2010 Women ’ s Conference
Revealing Truth Ministries
You will enjoy fun , fellowship and relaxation . So when you return home your family , friends and co-workers will see that you have made a change . For more information on the conference , please log onto our website at www . revealingtruth . org or form information on the Times of Refreshing Getaway please , contact Valerie Long at ( 800 ) 601-1414 .
The 2010 Women Changing , Evolving and Maturing Conference is scheduled on June 16-19 , 2010 , and will take place at Revealing Truth Ministries , 5201 North Armenia Avenue , Tampa , FL 33603 . For more info , please contact us at ( 800 ) 601-1414 or log onto www . revealingtruth . org