Latin Times : What are the democratic / republican plans to make the U . S . economy better ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : Republicans have always supported the “ trickle-down economics ” argument also known as “ Reaganomics .” During Ronald Reagan ’ s presidency the unemployment rate peaked at 10.8 % and with his policy he left office with the rate at 5.3 %. Therefore Republicans support measures that reduce income taxes and which in turn increases the GDP and thereby generates more revenue for the government . All in all , Republicans focus on the important role of supporting small businesses and that individuals , not the government , are economically responsible for their own actions .

Latin Times : What is your party doing to prevent U . S . companies from moving to foreign countries in search for lower cost production , leaving millions of Americans without jobs ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : Many Democrats support organized unions ( labor unions ) and increasing the minimum wage . Therefore , when employees demand for more or go on strike or if businesses are forced to increase payroll many of those businesses are forced to cut back , close shop or move elsewhere where they can afford the labor . Another factor is the rising cost of insurance premiums that companies pay for , as a result of employees who take advantage of short or long term disability benefits and so on . I can provide many examples and stories of employees taking advantage of benefits , I witnessed when working for a major credit card company soon after college … who by the way is no longer in Tampa Bay . Hmmm , I wonder why ??
Latin Times : Would your candidate continue the search for Osama Bin Laden if he is chosen to be president ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : McCain notably stated that he ’ d follow the al Qaeda leader to the “ Gates of Hell ” and favors a boost in U . S . forces in Afghanistan .
Latin Times : What would your candidate do to have a better relationship with two of the most controversial Latin American leaders : 1 . Castro & 2 . Chavez ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : One thing that Mc- Cain supports is trade agreements among countries in Latin America , which strengthens capitalism within those countries and stabilizes democracy . If we can ’ t work with people who dislike us then we have to continue to strengthen relationships with their neighboring countries while avoiding them to fall into similar dictatorship rule . McCain also would like to ease restriction on Cuba , once the U . S . is confident that the transition to a free and open democracy is being made .
Latin Times : In what order of importance would your party classify the following issues : the economy , terrorism , abortion , homosexual marriage , discrimination of U . S . Hispanic Citizens and illegal ’ s , immigration ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : Strengthening families and individuals through sound economic plans and education are a top priority . Without a solid foundation of education you cannot resolve many other issues . National Security and preventing terrorism to protect the lives of Americans on our home-front and on that of our allies I would have to list as third in line . Social issues seem to be have been put aside to the bottom of the list realizing that the majority of Americans are more concern about their pocketbooks .
Angelette Aviles / Republican : The party has been split on this issue with pro-growth advocates supporting more immigration like Senators John McCain and Mel Martinez who were behind the Comprehensive Reform Bill allowing long-term illegal immigrants to gain citizenship , increase security along the borders , and to increase the number of guest workers . Personally , I do not believe this is an issue that will be brought about again in the near future since the economy and energy are current concerns in America . The overhaul on coming up with a solution on immigration was brought about due to National Security after 9 / 11 . When an immigration bill gets introduced again , it will deal with one issue at a time , security first rather than a comprehensive complicated bill .
Latin Times : Why should Latino / Hispanic citizens vote for your candidate ? Angelette Aviles / Republican : John McCain has been a long champion for Hispanic issues receiving 65 % of their vote in Arizona in 1998 and 70 % in 2004 . McCain recognizes the importance of building strong allies in Mexico and Latin America . Recently , Democrats have stated that they will force Central America to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement . They have also refused to consider a free trade agreement with Colombia , this country ’ s best ally in the Western Hemisphere .
John McCain believes parents should be empowered with school choice to send their children to the school that can best educate them and that if a school will not change , the students and parents should be able to change schools . He wants to put more money in the pocketbooks of families in the form of a refundable tax credit ($ 2,500-individuals and $ 5,000-families ), to offset the cost of health insurance and lower the cost of prescription drugs by bringing competition through importation and faster introduction of generic drugs . McCain proposes to raise the tax exemption for each dependent from $ 3,500 to $ 7,000 . Again , more money for families and single parents .
Hispanics that come to this country are here to work and create jobs . They are not here for handouts . Hispanic owned-businesses represent over 16 % of Florida ’ s businesses compared to 7 % nationally and McCain understands that entrepreneurs , like those in Florida , are at the heart of American innovation , growth and prosperity . To support these businesses , the driving force of the economy , he plans to reduce the corporate tax rate and improve business investment savings among additional incentives .

Special Thank you to : Nelson Rivera , Rafael

Montan and Zanibel Melo assisting with the development of questions and translation .
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Latin Times : What would the democrat / republican party do for the millions of undocumented immigrants in the US ?