Hundreds of references of how to access personal and professional rewards in Tampa . Community , social and professional associations , charities , how to find them and a summary of each . A fantastically comprehensive listing of networking resources . If you want more out of your life or your career , if you want to enjoy yourself and connect with your community this is the book to guide you . For the up-and-comers looking to find other fun people , make a mark in the community , give back , or a salesman looking to find new leads , or a native looking to rediscover and re-explore . For your friends that need to get out of the house , and anyone who want to fill their lives with rewards .
Clinton Visits Orlando
Bill Clinton Visited Central Florida To Support The Orlando Democratic Fundraising Mission . The former President helped the democrats raise about $ 250,000 for the 2006 campaign .
– Angel Pagan / News Correspondent
Access Tampa Bay
This is a treasure trove of social connectivity available for us all . Find friends , rewards and business from the 100 Black Men of Tampa to the Zone Art Lounge . $ 17.99 . 183 Pages . Sold at www . Lulu . com / Tampa
About the Author : Eric Sturm , a professional purchasing agent in the Tampa Bay , area co-founded the Downtown After-Six events in Tampa , promotes networking mixers at the Tampa Club , sits on the advisory board of Creative Tampa Bay , authored the Young and Involved survey that was detailed in the Tampa Bay Business Journal , and publishes a weekly e-zine of arts and cultural events in the area . Eric has and continues to lead , assist and promote efforts to improve our community . He is committed to Tampa Bay , resides in South Tampa and plans to make this his life long home . Author ’ s website : www . tampaoptions . com
Cada año , Latino Leadership organiza la Feria Anual de Información de la Comunidad de la Florida Central . Este acontecimiento reúne exitosamente a las grandes corporaciones , la pequeña empresa , el gobierno , las organizaciones no lucrativas , y agencias de fe que tienen interés en llegar a las comunidades latinas y minoritarias proporcionando programas servicios innovadores .
La Feria se llevara acabo en la Oak Ridge High School , 6000 S . Winegard Rd ., Orlando , FL 32809 , el sábado , 29 de julio de 2006 de 10:00 AM- 2:00 PM .
Los asistentes recibirán , ademas de información valiosa , alimento , refrescos , los suministros de la escuela y recortes de pelo para niños , vacunaciones , exámenes físicos , orientacion de la salud , entretenimiento musical , y Exposición del Talento , entre otras atracciones . Todo libre de costo para los asistentes .
El año pasado más de 100 negocios y organizaciones tuvieron el beneficio de publicitar sus servicios a todos los participantes . Este acontecimiento cuenta también con la cobertura de varios medios de comunicacion ( afiliadas locales de CBS y Univision , El Orlando Sentinel y otros periodicos locales .
Are you doing business in the Tampa Bay & Orlando Latin Community ? Then advertise with us ! Call NOW !
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