
By : La Chic A ’ Divina
Aries ( March 21 – April 19 ) Rams tienen un habit of pushing to the front of the line , both literally and figuratively . And while this quality has helped Aries get pa ’ lante , it can also compromise their relaciones . Putting an animal , child or plant in their care can correct the problem . As soon as this sign ’ s nurturing qualities are cultivated , their selfishness will diminish .
Taurus ( April 20 – May 20 ) Bulls love clutter . Being surrounded by all their possessions gives them a sense of seguridad . It also creates headaches , confusion , y chaos . Storage systems that keep their stuff on display will prevent this sign from strewing their stuff all over the house . Stacking baskets , glass jars , and open shelving can promote organización .
Gemini ( May 21 – June 21 ) While bountifully blessed with the gift of gab , Gemini are notoriously bad listeners . A good way to become more attentive is to practice staying silent .. silencio por favor ! At first , Gemini will have a hard time breaking the minute mark . Eventually , however , even the biggest blabbermouth will learn how to button their lips and open their ears .
Cancer ( June 22 – July 22 ) If you ’ ve ever wondered how Cancers stay so sweet , take a look at their sugar intake . This sign le encanta cookies , dulces , and ice cream . An occasional indulgence is fine , but too much dessert can take a toll on waist lines and energy levels . What Crabs are really seeking is oral gratification . Sugar-free gum or dried fruit provides a healthy distraction from candy crunching .
Leo ( July 23 – Aug . 22 ) El Señor who ’ s sitting next to you in the elegant restaurant , shouting to his personal assistant on his cell phone ? Probably a Leo . It ’ s only natural that a sign that is blessed with creativity , charm and wit feels tempted to show off . Actually , this desire to brag is rooted in insecurity . The sooner Lions learn to compliment others , lo mas rapido they ’ ll receive the praise they crave .
Virgo ( Aug . 23 – Sept . 22 ) These nit-pickers a veces compromise their own pleasure for the sake of perfection . Deep down adentro , these folks are really sensualists at heart . They need to learn that it is better to feel good than to look good . Allocating a few minutes each day for fun but messy activities like baking , painting , or sculpting can cure Virgos of their fear of filth .
Libra ( Sept . 23 – Oct . 23 ) Libras gave birth to the term “ shopaholic ”. These folks have every credit card known to hombre y mujeres . And while their taste is undeniably impeccable , it can get them en problemas at bankruptcy court . What ’ s really at stake here is a quest for beauty . Enjoying simple but inexpensive pleasures like nature walks and museums can quell the urge to splurge .
This Latin Diva was born Gloria Fajardo in Havana , Cuba on September 1 , 1957 . Gloria was raised primarily in Miami , FL , after her father , a bodyguard in the employ of Cuban president Fulgencio Batista , was forced to flee the island following the 1959 coup helmed by Fidel Castro . Today , Gloria is one of the most popular female vocalists and songwriters in the world . The Miami Sound Machine had great success overseas before gaining recognition in the U . S ., Gloria rose from poverty to have a successful career , but she never forgot her Latin heritage .
Scorpio ( Oct . 24 – Nov . 21 ) Nadie carries a grudge better than this sign . Unfortunately , hanging on to resentments has a way of crowding out love , happiness , and trust . In order for Scorpios to let go of anger , they must first practice self-care . Getting a massage cada mes or writing in a journal each day will soften this sign ’ s heart and enable forgiveness .
Sagittarius ( Nov . 22- Dec . 21 ) Archers have a bad habit of telling la verdad . And while these folks have the best intentions , that doesn ’ t take the sting out of comments like , “ Gee , those pantalones make you look fat !” or “ Were you drunk when you wrote this report ?” The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study . Etiquette books will definitely help !
Capricorn ( Dec . 22 – Jan . 19 ) This sign is the original workaholic . Many Capricorns fear that poverty will set in el momento they stop toiling . Keeping a gratitude journal can break this terrible habit . The more Capricorn becomes aware of their non-material blessings , the healthier their behavior will become . No more cortando las vacaciones short for the sake of work !
Aquarius ( Jan . 20 – Feb . 18 ) Water-bearers get into the habit of creating completely self-sufficient lives . Desafortunadamente , this makes it difficult for them to achieve intimacy . Basically , Aquarians are afraid that relationships will compromise their independence . Fortunately , these folks love to experimentar . By treating intimacy as an exercise , this sign can relinquish control for the sake of loving relationships .
Pisces ( Feb . 19 – March 20 ) Como el signo de agua , it ’ s only natural quet Pisces finds comfort in liquids . Cuando those liquids have a high alcohol content , problemas can ensue . Naturally , a twelvestep program can be of enormous benefit here . Meditation y yoga can help , too , as they allow Pisces to achieve a healthy sense of nirvana . That ’ s all these Fish are really seeking .