Democrat For State House District 60
Meet Karen Perez at the fundraiser we will be hosting for her on Thursday , May 25th @ Mirage !
Meet KAREN PEREZ , MSW ., CT ., CFS . – Democratic Candidate for Florida State House of Representatives
By : Jolie Gonzalez
The first time I met Karen Perez was at 1st . Friday , Latin ConneXions Business Networking Social . I liked her right away -but it was not until I sat down and enjoyed a nice long lunch with her that I realized not only was Karen a truly nice person but she was also very intelligent , knowledgeable , hardworking and you can see it in her eyes , she truly cares about people and she wants to make a difference !
Karen Perez was born on December 10 , 1963 in Brooklyn , New York . Karen is a mother of three , her children are Gabriel 21 , Carmen 19 , and Adriana who is 16 . As a member of Phi Theta Kappa Alumni and a graduate of the University of South Florida , Karen works tirelessly each day in order to make a difference . Karen shares her story with us !
Latin Times Magazine : " What do you do for a living ?" Karen smiled and looked as if she preparing for a speech , I soon found out why , there was so much ! Karen Perez : “ Well – I am Medical Social Worker with Memorial Hospital on the weekends and a Family Reunification Therapist with Northside Mental Health during the week . I am also a Certified Domestic Violence Counselor , Certified Forensic Counselor , and Certified Sentence Mitigation Specialist . Certified Traumatologist , and Compassion Fatigue Specialist Therapist with North Side Mental Health , a Certified Stunt woman ( both stage and screen ), a Certified body double , an Actress ( both stage and screen ), a Model ( catalog and runway ), a Playwright , an Interpreter for deaf ( Twenty years ) and a Motivational
Speaker , at this time I am also pursing a Doctoral Degree in Counseling and Supervision .
Latin Times Magazine : Where does the Certified Stunt woman job come from !” Karen Perez : “ I played a Superhero on a children ’ s television show called Spectrum 2000 which aired in California and New York ( a smile on her face ) from the years 2000 – 2003 ." With so many jobs I couldn ’ t imagine Karen having much free time , as I was about to inquire about it when she went on to inform me about her many “ free-time ” projects ! Karen Perez : “ Beside being with my family , in my free time I have been a Juvenile Probation Officer , and served as a one year volunteer to Hillsborough County . I have also been a Head Coach for the Brandon Raiders Cheerleaders , and a Mentor in Pinellas and Hillsborough county school system .”
Karen has been a Motivational Speaker for the United Way , CASA ( domestic violence shelter in St . Petersburg ), and THE SPRING facilitator of Latin Women Support Groups ( The Spring ). Karen has also worked as a Hotline Counselor , Facilitator of Selfesteem girls groups ( Detention West facility for Justice System ) and was Ms . Brandon International 2000 !
Karen has been a long time advocate for Violence Against Women and a Facilitator of Youth offenders refocus groups . Karen is also member of many community and educational organizations .
Karen Perez : “ I also take time out of my schedule for those in need of any type of help ( such as a fellow student ). I also enjoy time to myself as well ( though that time is far and few in-between ). My children are also in much demand for my time as they have their hobbies as well . My oldest Gabriel , Twenty-one years old , is looking to enroll in a local University within the next year , as he graduated from Blake High School , for Performing Arts in 2003 .”
Karen Perez : “ My daughter Carmen , nineteen , graduated from Blake High School , for Performing Arts in May of 2005 . She is also currently attending Florida Atlantic University , where she is majoring in International Business with a strength in Japanese . My youngest daughter Adriana is sixteen , attends Tampa Technical High School . Both run on the AAU division for competitive track and play on the AAU basketball team for Florida . They were on the traveling basketball team with the Brandon Bolts , and were signed on a local soccer team . They have also been cheerleads for the Brandon Raiders . Carmen represented the United States in 2001 , in the youth basketball games in New Zealand and Australia .
Karen Perez : “ All three of my children volunteer in Nursing Homes in the Pinellas and Hillsborough county area as story readers for the elderly and also give time in Tampa Ministries during the holidays and
1st . Fridays R 4 Networking Socials !
volunteer in the shelter with the children while their mothers are in the groups .”
Karen Perez : “ All the above is what makes me , me . What my life entails as a mother and as a concerned citizen . I love all aspects of my life and would not give any of it up . My determination in life is to make a difference one day , in the life of someone who may least expect it . My loves are my life , children , and the people who surround me daily ( even those I do not know personally ).”
To learn more about Karen Perez or to contribute to her campaign , please visit her website at : www . karenperez1florida . com or email her at kperezhsb2004 @ aol . com .

Democrat For State House District 60

Latin Times Mar Apr to size 15
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