Nam nulla leo fringilla ullamcorper ex eu quam amet
et fermentum mi
letter from la editora...
So much has changed throughout the years, but some things haven’t changed., like my love and commitment to sharing great inspirational stories with you all, that has not changed – I am honored and blessed to be able to reach out and communicate with you –
As a long time entrepreneur, I was an entrepreneur before it became popular.
I remember the first time I heard the term. I was at an event, and someone asked me how long I had been an entrepreneur. Lol. That God for quick wit and I responded I’ve had my own business since I was about 17-18 years old, thinking back I remembered all the many businesses I have thought of and started in all that time.
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla
Welcome to our 20th Anniversary edition…..
It's hard to believe that 20 years have gone by since I started this magazine, which has migrated rated more and more into a digital format in the last few years, and not a moment too soon as with COVID-19, CoronaVirus, Plague, or whatever you chose to call it -it is very much a digital age!