Exclusive Interview
Rabbi Johnathon Cahn
by Victor A. Padilla
Latin Times: Tell us about yourself and where you come from?
Rabbi Cahn: I am Jewish, grew up going to
Hebrew School, I then became an Atheist
and I started researching until I picked up a
book thinking it was a UFO book called “The
Late Great Planet Earth” by Hal Lindsay and
it was all about the end times, prophecies
about the end times. It began to change my
whole outlook on life and then I made a deal
with the Lord for him to give me a long life
that would end up Jew and serve him when
I was old. At that time, I had a rock band at
that time doing whatever rock band teenagers do when I was involved in two car accidents, the second one I was at a train track
at night and I had pulled up and noticed
some lights were coming and I didn’t realize
I was right in the train’s path. I tried backing
up but there were cars behind me and then
the train plowed into my Pinto, it went up
in the air like aluminum foil and all I could
do is cry out to God. It was a miracle that I
walked away from the accident with no injuries. I then asked God if I could renegotiate
and if he could give me till my 20th birthday I would completely give my life over to
him. When I turned 20, I went up a mountain, fell on a rock, and gave my life to God.
Latin Times: You just published the
“Book of Mysteries” tell us about it?
Rabbi Cahn: The Book of Mysteries is the
revealing and opening up of literally hundreds of mysteries, mysteries about God,
ages, church, Israel, end time, hidden writings of ancient Rabbis, you the reader to
our life, so many mysteries. The Book of
Mysteries is meant to change your life,
it’s about a man who meets a teacher, who
takes him in a journey, teaching him to
apply these mysteries, over a year’s time.
Latin Times: Do you believe that what is lacking in the Church today is the Hebrew Roots?
Rabbi: Absolutely, when the Church started,
the Church had begun in Israel and through
the separation the Church lost the roots that
is part of its heritage. Israel was missing the
Messiah so each has the part that the other
one is missing. Jewish people are returning
to Israel and coming to Messiah Yeshua, the
church is bringing back the roots of Israel.
Years ago having a Shofar in the church was
unheard of and now the Church is bringing
back its roots and this is part of the Mysteries of the end times.
“What I am praying and wanting
is that this book changes lives and
helps them to make a spiritual Aliyah
which means a return to Israel and
find their Destiny. For two thousand
years God hid in the Masada Desert in Ancient Israel was a scripture
and it was the scripture about the
valley of the dry bones and is mentioned in the Book of Mysteries.”
Latin Times: What is your opinion about
the descendants of Sephardic Jews and the
key role they play in the return of Messiah?
Rabbi Cahn: At our congregation Beth Israel we have lots of Latin people and when I
minister around the world and Latin American countries, it is the amazing how they
have such a huge interest and connection
with their Jewish roots. One out of three Latins are Sephardic Jews and one of the things
that occurred was when the Sephardic Jews
were expelled from Spain was on Tish’a B'Av
the ninth of av and in the same Harbor were
three ships, the Nina, the Pinto, and The
Maria. Even in America there is an ancient
root all the way back to Spain and Israel.