George Salinas
Jaime Aymerich
Carolina Aymerich
Crossover Entertainment Transcends Borders by Repackaging Latino/Hispanic
Television Content for American Programming
By Victor A. Padilla
Crossover Entertainment, under the guidance of CEO George Salinas, President Jaime Aymerich and account
executive Carolina Aymerich, carefully studies and dissects each of the selected programs for repackaging.
Latin Times: Tell us about Crossover Entertainment?
Jaime: What we do is bring films
and television shows into the American Film Market and introduce the
work of Latin writers and creators.
Carolina: I work closely with Jaime
(My Husband) and George, looking through all the content and titles that come to us from the Latino
market and how we can use them in
the American Film Market.
George: Crossover provides a new
formats of Latino shows, movies
that are becoming a very popular
and more people are scrambling to
do more in the Latin Market and we
bring supply to the demand and we
create the opportunities to produce
Television Shows and Films for this
only main studio where we can create
these opportunities. Working on doing
features, establishing and creating really strong writers, and creators through
Jaime: We are working hard to get the
best stories on the Latin side, from a variety of Latin writers, we also are looking at scripts that are unique and surprise you. For Example, we did our first
movie “How to be a Latin Lover” with
Salma Hayek, and we are creating great
alliances through what crossover is doing. Next Month we are working on a
film about Human Trafficking.
Carolina: I am very happy to be a part of
what we are doing, knowing that we are
fulfilling our goals because everything
that you want you must work to fulfill
it. We have been successful and are still
working hard to continue achieving
these goals within the American MarLatin Times: Tell us about any fu- ket.
ture plans and projects:
George: To continue creating and Latin Times: What is your favorite Latselling great programming for Lati- in Food and do you love Cuban Sandnos, we are literally becoming the wiches?
Latin Times Magazine
Carolina: I love the Tostones and piraguas, definitely Cuban Sandwiches.
George: I love