Latin Times Magazine Vol 15 #1 | Page 6

Saludos! Happy 15th Anniversary to Latin Times Magazine! my dad and everyone that has in some way helped to shape Latin Times into what it is today! 16 Years ago, I moved to the areas of Tampa & Orlando, Florida (I couldn’t decide where I wanted to live, but eventually settled in Tampa) – less than 6 months later, I was starting my first publication – a bilingual publication that would cater to the then growing bilingual communities in Tampa and Orlando. As I set my gaze upon the distance - yes toward my 20! years? With each goal that we reach, we have to climb higher, reach further – I just don’t know where the time has gone, my son Nikko was a child of 5 years old when I started this magazine, and he is now he is a man of 21 years old….. When I started my magazine, 15 years ago, I never dreamed that 15 Years later, I would still be publishing the “same” magazine, my goal was 1 year, and then it 5 years, and then I dreamed of 10 years, but 15 years, this is an emotional moment knowing that impossible goals can be reached, by working really hard, staying focused and never giving up, all of which can be summed up in just one word: Faith! (thank you GOD!) What beautiful moments and memories I have stored up to reflect upon as I greet my next challenge, the people I have met, the relationships we have developed, the ups, the downs -peaks and the valleys, I can only of say one thing: Thank you God for letting the Chitown boricua experience that which only God could have made happen, for allowing me to live a dream and to achieve heights no one every would have expected. Fast forward, 15 years later, that little publication, now known as Latin Times Magazine is known world-wide, and we are STILL at it! To have met and interviewed so many famous people, including President Barack Obama, the former president of Hunduras, “El Lobo” and to have photographed former president George W. Bush and former president Bill Clinton, government officials, world leaders, world famous actors and performers, community leaders and more. Thank you to our readers for being so loyal through the years. Thank you to my husband Victor and my children, Nikko, Michaela, Zion and Victoria for putting up with my workaholic tendencies, and for helping me get it all done. You are the most precious gifts that God ever gave me. This issue is about gratitude to all those that made it possible for us to still be here, alive and kicking after 15 years of up’s and down’s, wins and the losses, defeats and celebrations! By far, we are ahead! First and foremost, I thank God, for making the dreams of a young single mom real for walking with me and never letting go of my hand. I thank him for removing the obstacles and deceitful people out of my path, and I thank him for the ideas, the opportunities, and the people he has put in my life. Thank you Jesus for the sacrifice you made for us, and a special thank you Ѽ