Victor A. Padilla
Vice President
Latin Times Media, Inc.
Jolie: What was your first impression
of Latin Times Media and Magazine
when you first became involved in the
Victor: Being introduced to Latin
Times Magazine through my wonderfully talented wife Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla awoke a passion for my people,
my culture, and history. The vision
quickly overcame me of how this
magazine is a powerful tool and would
touch thousands, millions of lives
around the world. Latin Times Magazine is unique, unscathed by the norm,
it is outside of the box.
Jolie: What do you enjoy most about
Latin Times Magazine?
Victor: There are many things I enjoy
about Latin Times Magazine! I enjoy
meeting the people we interview and
getting them to open up and reveal
who they really are to our readers. I
enjoy being able to touch many lives
through our editorials, testimonies, and
biographies and especially through
Esperanza Road.
Jolie: Tell us about the Cuban Sandw X