Frank nieves

What is your Profession ? Community Leader Your Pais : Puerto Rico
Latin Times : Please tell us about your biggest obstacles , and how you have overcome them . Frank Nieves : Being a minority is a huge obstacle but you can overcome it by winning people ’ s respect , being a professional , a man of words and convictions , standing proud and looking people in their eyes showing security , falling and standing up to come back stronger and admit when you are wrong and others are right .
Latin Times : Tell us about how the Puerto Rican Hispanic Chamber of Commerce got started Frank Nieves : A big cultural celebration , showing what we were all about , Business , Community and Culture , it came to be because there was a need a change in what was happening in Broward County Hispanic community
Latin Times : Tell us about your big annual event Frank Nieves : Fiestas Patronales is going on its 13 year and it is the most complete family event in Florida . It has Culture going back to whom colonized us , tradition , culture , entertainment for the entire family , education , community services , rides , music , arts and craft , authentic Hispanic food , and the world most danced and listen to music , SALSA !
Latin Times : Tell us about your family Frank Nieves : I am married to a devoted special education teacher , Hilda Ortega . I have two sons from a previous marriage Frank Nieves Jr . and Sherida F Nieves , Sherida has given me two great grand children Franchesca ( Down Syndrome 17 years old ) and Nicolas 16 years old and now we just adopted a 9 years old Down Syndrome with Autism and I am very happy and proud of him , it is what God wanted so let it be .
Latin Times : Who is a hero / role model that you admire ( Living or deceased ) and why do you admire them ? Frank Nieves : My Parents both with only 7 th grade they raised 4 boys during a very hard time but taught us the right values and the other person I admire is God and all three of them live inside of me .

Julio Altuna

What is your Profession ? Currently Retired from Active duty Navy and small business owner Your Pais : Dominican Republic Hometown : Janico , Santiago
Latin Times : How did you get started in your career ? Julio Altuna : Upon eligibility for retirement form the armed forces I began to contemplate where to enter the regular work force or to follow my dreams of being a small business owner . Soon I made of my mind to combine my passion for home cooking and family atmosphere so with the help of those that always support me in everything that I do , I opened a small family restaurant in Ft . Myers called Quisqueya Restaurant !
Latin Times : What do you enjoy most about you what you do ? Julio Altuna : The sense of a family atmosphere when the Latin community comes together .
Latin Times : Please tell us about your biggest obstacles , and how you have overcome them . Julio Altuna : While many signs tell the public that Florida is opened for business it was very challenging to navigate through the bureaucracy of licensing , inspections , and requirements in place . While I am very savvy in regards to finding solutions to problems , based on the length of my time as an immigrant , I can only imagine the amount of citizens the process deters .
Latin Times : What is your favorite Latin Food Dish ? Julio Altuna : I am proud to be a white rice and red beans kind of guy
Latin Times : Tell us about your family Julio Altuna : We are a group that is living life as a single unit . We are rooted in our beliefs of blood is thicker than water and people will always come and go , but family are the ones that are here for support .
Latin Times : Who is a hero / role model that you admire ( Living or deceased ) and why do you admire them ? Julio Altuna : My mother , Maria . Since I can recall , she has always been there for me and others . There is nothing that she would not do for any of us , and to my jealousy , for others . She is an amazing human being who is always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt .