LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE Vol 12 No 2 | Page 11

Can Latinos be Sephardic Jews ?

By Victor Padilla
Ever since I was a child I was always drawn to Israel , the land , its people , and birthplace of my King and Savior Yeshua Hamashea ( Jesus Christ ). When I would hear Hebrew songs or Hebrew spoken from the Holy land as most people call it , a yearning would grow inside of me to know more about this land and her people .
In 1482 , the King and Queen of Spain wanted the Jews to convert to the mother church that was in power . They commissioned a Spanish Monk named Torquemada to devise a way to convert the Jews . He designed and executed the Spanish inquisition , which led to our people to be murdered and butchered for a period of ten years .
It was not long ago that my wife and I began to research our lineage from the Island of Puerto Rico , back to Spain the mother land , and after several meetings with our friend , Sephardic Rabbi Gary Fernandez , it was to our surprise that we discovered we were in fact descendants of Sephardic Jews who are traced back to the lineage of King David , Joseph ( Son of Jacob ), and in the first Temple period . The original inhabitants of Jerusalem were the Sephardim which were the Holy Temple Keepers under King Solomon until the Babylonians came to conquer Israel , destroying the Temple and almost wiping out the Sephardic Jews who were being slaughtered .
Many escaped to Iran , Iraq , Morocco , Turkey and even Salonica , still others escaped to a place where King Solomon had created an import export business ( in the shipping trade to finance the building of God ’ s Temple ) a place called Tar-shish , a peninsula also called “ Iveria ” Ivri means “ Hebrew .” Iveria means “ the place of the Hebrews ” thus also known as the “ place of the Jews ” which is better known as “ the Iberian peninsula .” Many centuries later , this area became known as Spain – La Madre Patria of Latin America .
The Jewish Settlers found the ground to be fertile and the climate perfect for them . Unfortunately while all of Israel was forced to serve to the will of the Babylonian King for 70 years , the Sephardic Jews continued to serve freely the Sephardim and were living freely as Jews , keeping the original covenant given at Mt . Sinai , in Sefarad .
In 1492 , Christopher Columbus was set to take his famous journey to the Americas . Columbus tells the Queen that he can find no one who wants to join him on his voyage on the three ships she has built for him , because they believed the world was flat . The Queen assures him that she has plenty of people she can give him because the dungeons were full of “ criminals .” They were the “ criminals ” of the state ... the Sephardic Jews ! The King then issued a decree to banish all the Jews from Spain for good .
The expulsion of the Jews from Spain gave Columbus the opportunity to fill his ships to the brim with Sephardic Jews . He arrived not in America , but in the Caribbean and South America first , where today the majority of the Latino / Hispanic people have Sephardic Jewish roots .
Whether you choose to believe this or not , if you are a Latino , there is a very big possibility that you are a Sephardic Jew .
This is an exciting revelation because , Jews are God ’ s chosen people , and if you read the Bible , in Obadiah 1:20 it says that in the end times before Messiah returns , the Sephardic Jews will return to their homeland Israel and this will fulfill the prophecy and our King can return to rule and reign . You can be a part of this great end time prophetic event , here is the web address to see if your surnames appear on the list and if it does then get ready for the real revelation of who you really are !
Shalom and may Jehovah bless you ! http :// asialnegev . org / en . html