Award-winning actress Doris Morgado is best known for her work op-
posite Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg, John Travolta, and Dwayne
Johnson. She has worked with award-winning directors, including
James Mangold, Juan Jose Campanella, Baltasar Kormakur, Shawn
Levy, and Chuck Russell.
Doris's talent and exotic look has also made her a favorite among directors in primetime TV. She has re-
curred on The Red Road, guest starred in Colony, Jane the Virgin, NCIS, and NCIS: New Orleans, and has
been the lead in multiple award winning films, making her a fan favorite in the film festival circuit. Fluent in
both Spanish and English, Doris loves working with at-risk youth, victims of sex trafficking and animal res-
cue centers. When she's not on set, you can find Ms. Morgado training hard at a local boot camp gym to help
tone and lean out her body for her upcoming lead role in an action film.
Latin Times Magazine: Tell us
about your Family history where
you come from?
Doris: I am of Cuban descent born
in Venezuela, I was the first one
born outside of Cuba. My grandfa-
ther was a well-known Doctor who
helped a Guerrillero (Army who
fought against Fidel Castro) who
got injured fighting against Castro.
When they found out he helped
this Guerrillero, they accused him
of being a CIA agent and he be-
came a political prisoner sentenced
to 30-40 years. But, he could leave
when Castro released all the polit-
ical prisoners during Mariella. My
father, being a college professor was
asked to leave Cuba because of his
education. They all left and got po-
litical asylum in Venezuela. It wasn’t
until I was of five-years-old, that we
moved to Miami, Florida
Latin Times Magazine: What in-
spired you to become an Actor?
Doris: I wanted to be an actress
since I can remember. It wasn’t un-
til I got older, seeing something so
magical about movies and shows
like Marvel comics or Cartoons
with a lot of fighting scenes. One
time, when I was looking through
my mom’s stuff I found my mother’s
Illegal Alien card, so when I first saw
the words “Illegal Alien”, I thought
that meant being an actual alien.
So, I even believed that I had su-
perpowers like “Storm”. My brother
and I made ID cards that said Legal
Alien and we would show people
our home made ID cards and say..
”See, we are legal aliens” It was later
that we realized “ OH that’s what it
meant. (Laughing)
Latin Times Magazine: Tell us
about any new movies and projects
your working on?
Doris: “Logan” is a Wolverine
movie and which just came out on
March 3rd, 2017, it was amazing to have
worked in this because when I grew up
collecting all the Marvel comic book se-
ries. “Trouble Creek” which is an amaz-
ing web series on You Tube directed by
the Amazing Stacy Black who wrote it
into script from the books of New York
Best Selling Author Culey Cull. “Leg-
acy” is a nice action fight film, being
my “go to thing” has been sports all my
life. “Misguided Behavior” deals with a
good-bye list and was shot in Las Vegas.”
getting to work with you.” (Laughing)
Latin Times Magazine: Please tell
us about the work you do with at risk
youth, victims of human trafficking,
and Animal rescue?
Doris: I was working with a lady on
set who worked with at risk youth, they
would tell her that it made no sense to
finish school, if they are going to turn
out like their parents did, and young
teenage girls wanting to get pregnant.
So, it was my duty to talk to them and
share my life story, showing them that
hard work pays off, interviewing for
jobs you think you’re not going to get.
To get somewhere you should be patient
and put in the time, you have to work at
it, it was great to speak light and life into
them. By telling them, if I could do it so
can you!
Latin Times Magazine: Who is your fa-
vorite Marvel Character:
Doris: My favorite was Storm, growing
up we only had the choice of watching
telenovelas or Cartoons. Being the little
sister of older brothers they would give
me the girl superhero cards because they
didn’t want them. The superheroes were
generally all fair skinned and white but
I loved Storm because she was different. I also speak to young women who have
been involved in sex trafficking, talking
Latin Times Magazine: Tell us about a to them about the love that God has for
funny moment during filming a movie? them, all they must do is show up and
Doris: “For the longest time, I would it’s amazing how they are there to listen.
love to sing and thought I sounded re- I work with a faith based organization
ally good even though my friends and that helps women who are in sex traf-
family would say “Stick to your acting” ficking and they are amazing because
So, while I was working on the set of all they do is show the love of God and
2 Guns with one of my favorite mov- never in a Judgmental way. Women’s
ie actors Denzel Washington. We were lives are changed because of this. The
on the set, in a house where they were Animal Rescue I work with is an orga-
filming a scene, I went into the bath- nization that raises funds helping to res-
room ecstatic that I was going to meet cue animals and raises awareness in the
Denzel Washington and started singing communities about Animals who need
my heart out unknowing that they had their help.
already called “Cut”, I walked out of the
bathroom and there was Denzel Wash- Latin Times Magazine: Who has been
ington with Mark Wahlberg sitting a few your hero and inspiration in your life?
f eet from where I was, just looking at me Doris: My mom is my hero, I admire
and smirking. I looked at them and said her because she came with $200 in her
“Hello” Thinking to myself at that mo- pocket and she made a lot of sacrifices.
ment“ OMG, I’m not a good singer am She had Lupus and had to endure a lot
I? “ I messed up my chance to leave a but still raised two kids not even speak-
good impression with Denzel” Later on ing English, she is my hero.
I was introduced to Denzel “So Denzel
have you met Doris”, Denzel smiling, I Read more:
said “ Yes Denzel I am not a good singer,
I apologize but, I was just happy about
L atin T imes M agazine
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