LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 4th QTR 2005 VOLUME 4 No 3 | Page 22

Enjoy !


By : Tita De ' Cocina

Buñuelos de Navidad Christmas Sweet Fritters

This is a Mexican recipe for Buñuelos de Navidad . It will serve 10 .

Lechon a ' la Varita

Traditional Roasted Pig
In Puerto Rico and other parts of “ El Caribe ” they used to cook the pigs - whole - outdoors on a stick . In the states , this tradition has been preserved with few changes ; many people use a large rotisserie grill , while others make an inexpensive cinder block oven .
You can split the pig in half and spread-eagle for faster cooking .
Let ’ s Get Started : Time frame : 4 weeks to the D-day - order pig 1 week to D-day - buy seasoning ingredients , 2 days to D-day - prepare seasoning , 24 hrs to the D-day - pick up pig and season it Start cooking 7 hrs before meal-time .
Supplies Needed : Pig - cleaned and ready to go Razor blade - to cut any hairs missed by butcher Vinegar - to wash pig Sharp knife - to make slits on raw pig for seasoning Cold storage - ( large tub or container ), ice to store pig Bale wire and stick - preferably metal rod Basting brush Cheesecloth – to cover pig once it is seasoned Charcoal - ( 20 lbs for a big pig ), charcoal fluid , shovel , large rotisserie ( optional ) or Makeshift oven Table – hard smooth surface to cut cooked meat , butcher knife , large trays to serve
Ingredients Needed : One 25 lb suckling pig , ready to cook 24 cloves garlic , peeled 3 tbsp whole dried oregano 1 tbsp peppercorns ( Whole black peppers ) 3 / 4th cup salt ½ Cup sour orange juice ( Jugo de naranja agria ) Achiote
What to do : CRUSH the above ingredients in a pilón . Mix thoroughly the garlic , oregano , peppercorns , salt and ½ sour orange juice . Make deep gashes in pig on the neck , just under the lower jaw , on the loin , legs , shoulders , and over the ribs . Rub seasoning into the gashes , as well as inside and outside the pig . Cover with cheesecloth and set overnight in a cool place .
Ingredients 2 cups water 1 lb . flour 2 whole eggs 1 egg yolk 1 / 2 tsp salt 2 tbsp anisette 9 oz . lard
22 Abraza El Calor De Tu Cultura !
9 oz . piloncillo -raw sugar


Savory Pastries From Santo Domingo
This recipe for Empanaditas will add variety and a Dominican flavor to your holiday Hors d ’ oeuvres platter . This is a generic recipe in which you can substitute the chicken for cheese , ham , vegetables , seafood or any filling of your choice . Time : 60 Minutes . Level of Difficulty is Medium . Serves : 8 people
Start by boiling the chicken with the chicken stock and half the salt until tender .
Ingredients : 2 cups of all purpose wheat flour 1 lb of chicken breasts 1 cup of butter or vegetable oil 2 cups of oil ( for frying ) 2 leaves of coriander chopped finely 1 tablespoon of tomato paste
1 cube of chicken stock 2 teaspoons of salt 1 teaspoon of baking soda 3 tablespoons of very cold water 1 small red onion 1 green pepper 1 egg yolk Black ground pepper
Preparation : As the chicken is boiling , you can chop the onion and the green pepper into very small cubes . When chicken is ready , shred the chicken very finely . In a shallow pan heat two teaspoons of oil , add the onion , chicken and the green pepper , stir . Add the black pepper , the coriander and the tomato paste . Let simmer at very low heat until all the liquid has evaporated .
In a deep bowl mix the flour , 1 teaspoon of salt , butter , cold water , baking soda and egg yolks . Knead until all the ingredients are incorporated and the dough is smooth and elastic . Add additional flour or cold water as needed . Wrap the dough in saran wrap and keep in the refrigerator for 25 minutes .
Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface . Cut out circles of about 4 inches in diameter . Put a teaspoon of the chicken in the center , double over in a semi-circle and seal the border pressing it with a fork . Deep fry the pasties and put on a paper towel for a minute before serving .

Enjoy !