LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 4th QTR 2005 VOLUME 4 No 3 | Page 17

Latinos In Organizations

Latin Times Staff Goes one
on one with The President of the Tampa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce !
LatinTimes : Where were you born and raised ?
Jackie Rojas-Quinones : I was born in Tampa , FL @ the Gonzalez Clinic in Ybor city . I lived for 5 years in Key West , FL , where my grand-parents and parents owned and operated a bakery called “ La Crema ”.
LatinTimes : Where are your parents from ? Jackie Rojas-Quinones : My parents were both born in Cuba . My grand-father was born in Spain . My father came to Key West , FL in 1960 . My mother came when she was 12 along with my grandmother and grandfather .
LatinTimes : Tell us about your family . Jackie Rojas-Quinones : My parents had both my brother ( Javier ) and myself . When I was in the 4 th grade my parents divorced . My father remarried in Colombia , SA where he then gave me my little sister ( Janet ) who is now 18 . When I married my 1 st husband right after graduation I had 3 children with him , they are Julio ( 20 ), Jonathan ( 17 ), and Jaime ( 15 ). With my second and current husband I gained 3 more step-children and they are Elizabeth ( 26 ), Lia ( 23 ) and Jennifer ( 19 ). My oldest son , Julio is married to Yanet , who gave birth to my first grandson , Amani Davis Pacheco . My husband , John ’ s daughters have the following children , who we now share as my grand-kids , Elizabeth has 2 boys and 1 girl , Lia has a little girl as well as Jenny .
LatinTimes : Tell us about the first time you visited and joined the Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce . Jackie Rojas-Quinones : The first event I did with the chamber was back in 1999 , upon starting up my own accounting and paralegal business with my partner ( Bob Graham , CPA ). We had decided to go into business for ourselves and didn ’ t have any clients , so we decided to be a part of the business expo , which was held at the Florida
Aquarium . We had a table and just let people know what we could offer them and that we were new and eager for business . ( It worked , look at us now !)
LatinTimes : You are the first woman elected as President for the Tampa Bay Hispanic Chamber of Commerce . What is the term of your presidency and what has this mean to you ? Jackie Rojas-Quinones : Being a woman and President is not as easy as it seems . First , just the idea of acceptance like when you walk in a meeting and they immediately focus on any man walking in with me , thinking he ’ s the President . You almost have to prove yourself and be better than they would expect just to gain their attention . My term was to be from November , 2004 – 2006 and we are in the process of amending the term to be until 2007 , in order to run concurrent with the term I serve at the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce – Region VI board of director .
LatinTimes : What changes have taken place at The Chamber since you began your administration ? Jackie Rojas-Quinones : The major changes that has taken place at the chamber , I would say is organization in every aspect of the definition as well as commitment . I am committed to our membership and their growth in knowledge ( because knowledge is Power ), empowerment , through networking , gaining good business relationships and finally economic growth , which will then empower their families well-being by assisting to improve their bottom line and facilitating finances .
LatinTimes : Tell us about your team . Jackie Rojas-Quinones : My team consists of a very dedicated board of directors , who work endless hours to get the job done . Each of them has signed an agreement that clearly lists my expectations and they have the ability to decline their position or sign on and work together at this chamber .
LatinTimes : Jackie – Tell us about your “ real ” career . Jackie Rojas-Quinones : My real career is what I plan to be working towards through the help of the chamber . I currently operate and run Accounting and Beyond , Inc ., where I have an accounting practice and a paralegal office



that prepares different business entities , such as corporations and Limited Liability Company ’ s , etc . I also prepare divorces and bankruptcies . My regular clients consist of monthly and quarterly write-up services , where with the help of my staff , William Hohn , Yanet Pacheco and Jason Sementelli , we prepare alcohol returns and sales tax returns . By careful organization and meeting deadlines we help keep my clients on a good accounting track to empower their businesses bottom line figure . After , I have completed setting my foundation I will eventually like to run for a seat with the county commissioners .
Latin-Times : What message can you give business owners looking to more effectively reach the Latin community in Tampa Bay ? Jackie Rojas-Quinones : Belonging to a great organization such as the Tampa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will give them the tools necessary to meet people they may not have had the opportunity to meet elsewhere and to build great business relationships for life .
" My hope is to leave footprints , where I will be remembered as the first lady president , for having played a key role in turning the chamber around and for setting procedures that will allow the chamber to continue to grow and prosper , procedures that were put into play now , but will be around for years to come . I ’ d like to be remembered one day , and have a statute of myself in Ybor city , such as that of Mr . Roland Mantiega or Jose Marti … you know . Great People !!!!"