LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 2019 Summer Edition | Page 36

Latina Lideres Awards marketing Gabriela Otto 2019 Latina Mover N Shaker by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla I recently had the honor to join the Inter Miami CF team as Director, Brand & Marketing. It’s an in- credibly exciting opportunity for me, and I am so lucky to be a part of this new organization. Being part of a project during the startup stage is something I’ve always wanted to do. It’s going to bring about so much positive and exciting change for the city of Miami. LTM: What part of Florida do you live in – are you LTM: What is your favorite type of musica, and what is your favorite song? from Florida? If not – what brought you to Florida? Gabriela Otto: I love music! I listen to music all day long, even Gabriela Otto: I was born in Philadelphia, but raised in Venezuela. My entire family is from Venezuela, and I lived there until I was (15, 16?). I recently moved to Fort Lauderdale, and before that, I lived in Brickell, Miami, for over nine years. I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela, but have been in Miami for so long I now consider it home. LTM: Tell me about what organizations you are a part of Gabriela Otto: Besides Inter Miami CF, I have been a part of differ- ent medical missions such as Emmaus Medical Mission in which we traveled to Guatemala to help bring medical attention to individuals who would otherwise not have access to such care. I have also vol- unteered with Help Homeless and Red Cross. I strongly think that my mission in life is to help others. LTM: Tell us about the biggest highlights of your career Gabriela Otto: My biggest challenge so far was moving 5000 miles away to the island of Oahu. I moved due to a job opportunity, in which I managed marketing aspects associated with Anheuser-Bus- ch's products throughout the islands of Hawaii. It was a new culture, a foreign city, and a challenging job. Assimilating into my new life on Oahu was difficult, but I am so glad I experienced Hawaii and lived in real life paradise. LTM: As a Latina leader in the community, business or other…what has been your biggest challenge and how have you been able to over- come it Gabriela Otto: Being a Latina woman in business can sometimes be challenging to have your voice be heard. I have had to work extreme- ly hard to be taken seriously in different male-dominated companies I have worked for in the past. It takes a lot of patience and courage to accomplish this, but I have never given up and taken these situations as challenges for me to personally overcome. LTM: How important is being a Latina to you? Gabriela Otto: EXTREMELY important! I cherish the passion and culture that runs through my blood every day. I am so thankful to be a Latina woman living in South Florida, where so many cultures intertwine and come together to form an incredible melting pot of Latinx culture. from the moment I get up every morning to my late night work- outs. My ultimate favorite is reggeaton and reggae; however, I enjoy all kinds of music. LTM: What do you think some of the best career choices are for young Latinas Gabriela Otto: Latina women have an incredible advantage in business today. We are so lucky to be able to bring with us our culture and identity to each role and infuse it with that enthusiasm and passion that is desperately needed in business today. We are leaders, and a lot of us are lucky enough to speak two languages (if not more!) which is a huge advantage in the business world today as well. I think leadership positions need more Latina representa- tion and it’s up to us to demand a seat at the table. LTM: Tell us about what kind of projects you currently have going on Gabriela Otto: I currently have multiple projects with Inter Miami CF in my new role. I am thrilled to be a part of the inception of such an exciting team and I know it’s going to bring a lot of positive changes to the city of Miami. LTM: What can we expect to see from you in the future Gabriela Otto: Becoming the VP of one of the most successful soc- cer teams in the world. LTM: What famous person do you most identify with and why Gabriela Otto: Someone that I really look up to is Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I have read many of his books, and I particularly iden- tify with his message in his book "Living to Tell the Tale". It's his autobiography, and in it he states that "La vida no es la que uno vivió, sino la que uno recuerda y cómo la recuerda para contarla” (life is not what one lived, but the one you remember and how you remember it to tell) LTM: What did I miss? Tell me something you want us to know! Gabriela Otto: I am an advocate of balance. I like to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into my busy work schedule. I am an avid yogini, and I love to healthy, delicious foods. This is my fuel every day! Read more at: