LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 2019 Summer Edition | Page 30
Latina Lideres Awards
Chef Gloria Jordan
2019 Latina Mover N Shaker
by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla
Being a Latina is my biggest Pride. People like to be
around us because of our happiness, joy, our vivacious
laughter and positive outlook. We have more challenges
and higher bridges to cross, but only our graciousness
and compassion for others make us shine. That comes
from being a Latina
LTM: What brought you to live in-are you from Florida? If not-
what brought you to Florida?
Chef Gloria: I live in Fort Myers, Florida. I was not born in
Florida. I was living in Europe when my uncle, who was a res-
ident in Fort Myers area told me of the progress of the area and
informed me of the many opportunities here. I was born and
raised in Havana, Cuba. My family is from Cuba. The back-
ground of my father’s side of the family is from Spain.
fect age because you are old enough to not forget where you came
from, not forgetting your language, culture or family, yet still
young enough to start your future based on your education and
family upbringing. A few years after this age is when I did exactly
this, but I do regret that I did not do this a few years earlier in that
I could have helped my family and friends even more than I have.
LTM: What do you think some of the best career choices are for
young Latinas?
Chef Gloria: Latinas are brilliant, hardworking human beings.
LTM: Tell me what you do for a living.
Chef Gloria: I own a Mediterranean restaurant (La Trattoria Any career we choose would be good for us. More importantly is
Café Napoli) here in Fort Myers. I also have a Humanitarian & to seek to do what you really love. You must find your talent, then
Cultural travel company where I take small groups of people to you can find your career. Don’t be afraid to start multiple careers.
That does not make you selfish, nor too ambitious, that is what
Cuba on Culinary and Cultural tours.
will make you a good entrepreneur.
LTM: Tell me about what organizations you are a part of:
Chef Gloria: I am very involved in my community, helping many LTM: Tell us about what kind of projects you currently have go-
charities raise money, Southwest Florida Wine Fest, SWFL ing on
Community Foundation, Big Brothers & Sisters, The Ronald Chef Gloria: I seem to always have a dream or a project in prog-
McDonald House, The Height Foundation, Taste of Love-Spe- ress. Currently I am working on one of my biggest dreams—to
have my own venue. A Cabaret-Theatre-Lounge—whatever you
cial Equestrian, Alzheimer Foundation, and more.
wish to call it! Just a place where I can bring off Broadway shows
or music. As well as art exhibits. A true factory of art. Of course,
LTM: Tell us about the biggest highlights of your career:
Chef Gloria: I have had many fantastic moments in my career highlighting the Latino culture and specifically expand the Cu-
including the pleasure of cooking for the Bishop of the Catho- ban-American culture in our community.
lic Churches here in Florida. Many other recognized wonderful
moments, but perhaps my biggest moment was becoming a cit- LTM: What famous person do you most identify with and why?
izen of the United States. I always knew that my intentions of Chef Gloria: I can identify myself most with celebrity chef Jose Ra-
becoming an American citizen were for good reason. I am now mon Anders Puerta—of course he is simply Jose Anders to most
of you. His perseverance to become the star that he is. I admire
very proud to live in and serve my community.
his respect for all cultures, and his compassion and generosity for
LTM: What is your favorite type of musica and what is your his co-workers is unsurpassed. He also expresses that love and
patriotism for this wonderful country as well. He has an amazing
favorite song?
Chef Gloria: I am a fan of all kinds of music, but “my music”— charisma about him! He was born the same year as I, and the first
the Cuban music is what melts my heart! No matter if it is salsa, chef to introduce tapas to the USA. I think I was the first to do
son or rumba. What I really love is 40’s & 50’s music. That takes this in my small community as well.
me back to my parents and grandparents’ music. They would
say when music was music! We would listen to the old “RCA LTM: What did I miss? Tell me something you want us to know!
Victrola” American radio falling asleep to those melodies’ night Chef Gloria: I wish to inspire other immigrant or minorities, any-
one with a dream. Hold on to your roots or your family traditions
after night.
with whatever you aspire to do. Enhance your cultures, do not
LTM: If you could go back to let’s say 18-21, what are some of minimize them. I guarantee that will be a part of your success.
the pivotal decisions that you have made that you would do Love your accent and do not be ashamed of where you came from.
I always love to see people come to me and say, “thank you for
who you are and what you do”!
Chef Gloria: If I could go back in time, I always say that I
would love to have been an immigrant at that time. That is the
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