LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 2019 Summer Edition | Page 28
Latina Lideres Awards
in politics
Jackie Espinosa
2019 Latina Mover N Shaker
by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla
I filed to run for City Commission Seat no. 5 which
holds the title of Mayor for the City of Kissimmee
for 2020 and hope to represents our citizens with
dignity and respect.
LTM: What part of Florida do you live in – are you
from Florida? If not – what brought you to Florida?
Jackie Espinosa: Kissimmee Florida (central Florida) 29 years ago –
since 1991. I was born and raised in New Jersey, raised in a Puerto
Rican Home with my maternal grandparents.
LTM: Tell me about what you do for a living
Jackie Espinosa: I own several businesses in the heart and soul of
Downtown Kissimmee. All of our 7 businesses are owned and op-
erated by our family. By this, I mean my husband, my kids, and me
personally. Nonetheless, we have amazing staff and team players that
play a major role in the success of them. By trade, I am a full-time
mortgage and real estate broker. By life coincidences, I help manage
and promote our two local restaurants. For fun and variety, I over-
look the administration of our family dance studio and event center.
LTM: Tell me about what organizations you are a part of
Jackie Espinosa: I am currently a member of the Mortgage Bankers
Association, the Democratic Woman's Caucus, The National Associ-
ation of Realtors, the National Dance Council of America. Currently,
I chair the Kissimmee Main Street Board, and I also chair Histor-
ic Downtown Kissimmee Leads group for Metro Orlando.
I am
currently serving as a volunteer at the City of Kissimmee Affordable
Housing Committee, and my most informative board at the moment
is the City of Kissimmee Planning Advisory Board. I believe in being
involved, at all levels. Meaning as a community business and as a
voice for our latino and non-latino members.
LTM: As a Latina leader in the community, business or other…what
has been your biggest challenge and how have you been able to over-
come it
Jackie Espinosa: Challenges come daily to all latinos or Latinas. We
have to work harder to raise the bar. We have to demonstrate that we
are not like the rest, we want better, not more, just better. As a Latina
- I want to be that role model. The role model that shows an everyday
girl, a mom, a wife and a dreamer. I dared to dream and above all – to
focus on my goals. I surround myself with like-minded individuals
that think ahead and think of positive change. I love people, simply
put, I love people. I think it takes a VILLAGE to get to another level,
therefore, that village you surround yourself with is so important. I
believe we are put on this earth with a purpose, and that is a purpose
to serve. The rest will flow; it just happens. It's a universal law.
LTM: How important is being a Latina to you.
Jackie Espinosa: Latina is who I am; I am strong enough to know my
weaknesses. Smart enough to know the battle has just begun. And
Resilient enough to fight the battle. I also understand clearly my roots,
my upbringing and the heart we must have to make it. Being Latina to
me represents breaking stereotypes and raising the bar paving the way
for the Latina woman that will come after me. Understanding that I
am a steward of what God has graced me with. I clearly understand
that my role as a Latina is to leave a legacy of excellence. That when
Latinas see me, they see possibilities, but also that when another race
sees me, they see the great strength we as Latinas possess inside. I want
to be that Latina voice that we as women need to hear and need to em-
brace for excellence and for strength when our knees shake a little. I
want to be that voice that resonates within when we reflect and say, "she
made it, so can I".
LTM: What is your favorite type of musica, and what is your favorite
Jackie Espinosa: Music is something I enjoy, not just one type but all
types. Diversity is everything. I love me some good old fashioned Sal-
sa, but I also enjoy the melody of my boleros. I love rock and roll, and
I enjoy a little blues. Music is like us – diverse and engaging.
LTM: Tell us about what kind of projects you currently have going on:
Jackie Espinosa: Currently, I am working on changing a little of the
scenery in Historic Downtown Kissimmee. This means I am mak-
ing some noise with these two restaurants we now own and we want
people to know Kissimmee is more of a destination than a drive-thru
city. I understand the needs of our local community, of our people
fleeing the wrath of Hurricane Maria from our island. I understand
the drastic change in this city, and therefore, I feel I can certainly be
a good voice or representation for our community. I filed to run for
City Commission Seat no. 5 which holds the title of Mayor for the
City of Kissimmee for 2020 and hope to represents our citizens with
dignity and respect. As far as business, we keep growing our different
areas of business in the finance and real estate world and through our
other businesses, we are seeing the fruit of our labor as our daughters
run with the torch and grow our entertainment businesses such as our
ballroom dance studio since 2008 and our event centers.
LTM: What can we expect to see from you in the future:
Jackie Espinosa: I would hope to represent the city of Kissimmee as its
new Mayor in 2020. A positive change for all. A dignified represen-
tation for our citizens. A voice for not just the Latino community but
for all. A voice of diversity and a unified spirit. A Voice of Change.
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