LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 2019 Summer Edition | Page 22
Latina Lideres Awards
Aida Phillips
2019 Latina Mover N Shaker
by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla
I love being a Mom, that has been the best
decision ever. My husband and I adopted our
daughter eight years ago, and being able to help
others has been so rewarding and inspiring. I
want to add, that I am so grateful for this
opportunity to be a Latina Mover and Shaker,
Latin Times Magazine has been such a staple in
the Latino community, so I am extremely
honored. Thank you again!
LTM: What part of Florida do you live in – are you from Florida?
If not – what brought you to Florida?
Aida Phillips: I live in Cooper City Florida, but I’m originally
from Mexico City
LTM: Tell us about where you were born and raised and where
your family is from
Aida Phillips: I was born in Mexico City and raised between
Monterrey, Mexico and McAllen, TX. My parents are Mexican,
but my grandparents were from Russia, Lithuania, and Poland.
LTM: Tell me about what you do for a living
Aida Phillips: I am a Publicist, I have my own Public Relations
firm and I’m also an independent contractor for The Allen Lewis
Agency based in Detroit, Michigan.
LTM: Tell me about what organizations you are a part of
Aida Phillips: I have my own organization called Born From Our
Souls / Nacidos Del Alma where we help people in the adop-
tion process. We guide and hold their hand as they travel this
sometimes difficult but very rewarding process. I have also been
a volunteer at several non-profit organizations such as Child and
Family Health, Femfessionals, and Chabad at Monterra.
LTM: Tell us about the biggest highlights of your career
Aida Phillips: I have had many highlights in my career, from
working with Fortune 500 companies to working with celebri-
ties in the Hispanic world.
LTM: As a Latina leader in the community, business or other…
what has been your biggest challenge and how have you been
able to overcome it
Aida Phillips: My biggest challenge as a Latina Leader has been
getting new clients that are committed and know what Public
Relations is really about. I have had to educate new clients on the
importance of PR in business. However, now with social media
playing such a big part of our world, it has been easier to market
myself as an expert, and it has helped garner new clients, so I am
very proud of that.
LTM: How important is being a Latina to you
Aida Phillips: Being Latina is extremely important to me, it is
who I am and I am very proud to be Latina.
LTM: What is your favorite type of musica and what is your fa-
vorite song?
Aida Phillips: My favorite type of Musica is all musica, I love Luis
Miguel, Timbiriche (yes I’m that old), Cheyenne, and all kinds
of music in Spanish. Although I do listen to contemporary pop
English music, I do love Spanish a little more.
LTM: If you can go back to let’s say 18-21, what are some of the
pivotal decisions that you have made that you would do differ-
Aida Phillips: I am very proud of all the choices I've made in the
past; it has made me who I am today. I wouldn’t change a thing,
and I am so happy I ended up in Miami, the hub of all Latino
LTM: What do you think some of the best career choices are for
young Latinas
Aida Phillips: I believe the best career choices for Latinas is
whatever they’re passionate about, don’t settle for something
your parents or society expect from you. Follow your dreams.
LTM: What can we expect to see from you in the future
Aida Phillips: I would love to continue to work with client's who
care so much for multicultural, especially the Latino communi-
ty. And I would also see myself doing more with my Pro-Adop-
tion organization.
LTM: What is your comida favorita
Aida Phillips: My comida favorita is Mexican and Jewish food of
course, because I’m both.
LTM: What famous person do you most identify with and why
Aida Phillips: that’s a tough question, I have never thought about
it. I think any famous Latina that is proud of their roots like Eva
Longoria, Rita Moreno, Gloria Estefan, Cristela Alonso, Penelo-
pe Cruz because each in their own world promote how being
Latina is an asset.
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