LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st QTR 2018 1st Quarter 2018 | Page 16

you know life is good..... I turned 86 In December, and I am one of the Luckiest people in the world! I have my daughter and my grandson whom I adore, and ellos son mis favoritos de luz, los nenes. Of course, the nenes are now 16 & 18…lol & if you don’t know about this get my album. I have an album in Spanish that Emilio Estefan produced. You can get it through amazon, that and with my book Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: I want to say thank you to you, you’ve been an inspiration, god bless you to what you’re doing for Puerto Rico, right now more than ever people need to look at symbols like you, that hope and that they know your batayando for them! Rita Moreno: Absolutely siempre luchando! by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla 16 L atin T imes M agazine www .L atin T imes M edia . com A braza el calor de tu cultura !