LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st QTR 2018 1st Quarter 2018 | Page 7
by: Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla
Dr Alexandra Galletti is fueled by
a burning desire to help and guide
others in their journey towards the
discovery of their better self….She
is a firm believer in the importance
of self-love and a healthy self-es-
Dr. Galletti holds a doctorate de-
gree in Psychology and is a Board
Certified Clinical Sexologist. Dr Gal-
letti’s passion and excellence are in
her areas of expertise and have led
her to make regular appearances
on radio as well as local and televi-
sion shows.
As it is expected, Dr. Galletti is very
passionate about education and not
only does she host regular seminars
and workshops on diverse psychol-
ogy and sexology topics, she is also
a psychology professor at the grad-
uate college level with over 7 years
of teaching experience. At heart Dr.
Galletti’s motivation is quite simple,
help others with their own special
journey towards finding the best
version of themselves…..
Latin Times Magazine had the plea-
sure of sitting down with La Dra.
Alexandra Galletti, here is what she
shared with us…..!
Dr. Alexandra Galletti,
Clinical Sexologist
PhD Psychology
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: What mo-
tivated you to study psychology?
Dra. Alexandra Galletti: Since I
was very young, I had a very strong
interest in human behavior. I wanted
to understand why people behaved
in certain ways and the mental pro-
cesses behind said behavior. My
parents always told me that I was
constantly intrigued by people’s be-
havior and I would constantly ask
questions underlining this interest.
I wanted to know, because I cared
and wanted to help. My parents
have always described me as an
altr uist individual with a passion for
helping others.
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: Why did
you also specialize in Sexology?
Dra. Alexandra Galletti: After I
completed my doctorate degree in
Psychology I was working with a lot
of families and couples. I realized
that sexual dysfunctions, and issues
related to sexuality were very com-
mon in couples and a main part of
marital issues. The problem laid in
the fact that people were not getting
the help they needed, because not
every psychologist was adequately
trained to help them with their sex-
uality. If you combine this with the
stigma that society casts around
any issue related to an individual’s
sexuality and you can see why most
individuals have problems address-
T his I ssue of L atin T imes M agazine is sponsored by
ing issues related to sexuality,
even in the presence of their psy-
chologist. I decided the best way
I could help address this glaring
problem was by completing a
post-doctoral degree in Clinical
Sexology and later becoming
Board Certified Clinical Sexolo-
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: ¿What
kind of people can you help?
Dra. Alexandra Galletti: In my
practice I see all kinds of pa-
tients, however since I worked at
the Veterans Hospital for 7 years,
it gave me the opportunity to be
exposed to a unique variety of
patients, many of them suffering
from PTSD and a host of other
ailments commonly associated
with veterans after they return
from war. Working with veterans
has been a truly life changing ex-
perience for which I am forever
grateful. Later on, I decided to
embark upon a new journey and
begin my private practice where
I found my niche working with
couples. During this time, I also
developed a passion helping to
empower women and lending a
hand in their goal of fostering a
healthy self-esteem and positive
Jolie Gonzalez-Padilla: ¿why is
it difficult for some people to talk
about sex?
Dra. Alexandra Galletti: Many
factors influence peoples fear to
openly talk about sex. There are
strict socio-religious standards of
morality that are imposed upon
most members of society from a
very early age, and these stan-
dards marginalize sexuality to a
fringe taboo status in the scope
of an individual’s everyday life. In
this negative marginalization of
anything related to sexuality the
innate and natural needs of the
human being are considered ta-
boo, consequently inhibiting indi-
viduals desire and ability to freely
talk about these topics without
fearing being judged as sexual
addicts or “perverted” individuals.
Read entire interview online:
Dr. Alexandra Galletti,
Clinical Sexologist
PhD Psychology
3434 W Columbus Drive
Suite 107, Tampa Fl 33607
Phone: (813) 444-8111
[email protected]