LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st QTR 2018 1st Quarter 2018 | Page 21
“Funny moments, I have so many of them.
Well my wife is here so she recently pointed
out this moment, I was doing Sea of Love
with Pacino in 89, and we were shooting
by west 86th st it was like 2 in the morning
and we had a break we had a dinner break,
at 2 in the morning, Pacino says, Im going
to Hermes which was this famous restau-
rant on 72nd st and Broadway, hahah we
all started running after him because he’s
walking down the block to get in the cab
and I push my wife to the side and start
running after Pacino to go to Hermes with
him hahhha!
-Paul Calderon....
easy, the jargon, the police jargon, comes more naturally
to me maybe more than someone else you know, but It all
boils down to the specificity of what was written for you
and you try to make that true as you can
Victor Padilla: Yea that’s true, and Paul tell us a little
about your history and stuff which I already know but let’s
talk about it hehe
Paul Calderon: I was born in Puerto Rico, I came here
when I was 6. I didn’t know any English, my uncles kept
stressing when I would speak to them in Spanish and they
would say to speak in English but I didn’t know any En-
glish. It was rough coming here because there was no bi-
lingual education in school back then, it was pretty tough.
You know the public school in New York back then in the
50s were pretty rough you know but it gave me a lot to
draw from for characters in the future.
Victor Padilla: David tell us a little about what your inspi-
ration was to get into acting what and who inspired you…
David Zayas: I think I was 12 when I went to see Dog
Day Afternoon, and I was like oh wow I don’t know what’s
going on but I kind of want to get involved in whatever the
experience Im going through in this moment with this film
and from there it was always in the back of my mind, I
wanted to be involved somehow. You know then life takes
over and you put it on the backburner and then when I
was like 29, I said you know Im going to give it a shot.
Started going to acting classes and getting involved with
everything that was there at the time that I was able to get
involved with, I had to surround myself with people that I
saw had took this seriously and was going to teach me
how to have a good work ethic. Im a good observer.
“I think I was 12 when I went to see Dog Day After-
noon, and I was like oh wow I don’t know what’s go-
ing on but I kind of want to get involved in whatever
the experience Im going through in this moment
with this film and from there it was always in the
back of my mind, I wanted to be involved somehow.
You know then life takes over and you put it on the
back burner and then when I was like 29 I said you
know I'm going to give it a shot”
- David Zayas
The Divine Horsemen is coming to
Florida! Stay tuned for more info!
Catch the rest of this exciting interview
online on our website:
Victor Padilla: So Paul tell us a little about your inspira-
tion and what got you started into acting..
Paul Calderon: You know I was always a movie buff, my
mom was very strict and sometimes she wouldn’t let me
go out especially when we came to this country. I used to
spend hours and hours watching movies on tv because
back then it was just movies around the clock. Then my
mom and my step dad, we would go to the movies re-
ligiously on the weekends, and I remember seeing Viva
Zapata, Shane, The Blob, a whole bunch of great films,
and back then, before the movies would begin, they would
part the curtains, and it would be such an experience I
remember asking my mom “do these actors know each
other?” Haha. I told her I think I wanna be an actor I must
have been 6 or 7. Then it went on the backburner for years.
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