Latin Times : As a business woman with unique type of business , how are you able to help women look and feel better ? Gloria Camacho : Les ayudo a resaltar su belleza natural para poder proyectar su propia autoestima . Cuando se mejora la aparencia personal , nuestra vide mejora en todas formas . No podemos olvidar que la belleza es el arma secreta del exito , y un buen maquillaje es el arma secreta de la belleza ; cuando te sientes bella , te vez bella .
Latin Times : What do you enjoy most about you what you do ? Gloria Camacho : La satisfaccion de mis clientes , las sonrisas en sus rostros , el poder resaltar esa belleza oculta , y el poder levantar un autoestima .
Latin Times : Please tell us about your biggest obstacles , and how you have overcome them Gloria Camacho : A diario se me presentan obstaculos , pero cada obstaculo ofrece una oportunidad para mejorar dia a dia . Para venzerlos simplemente tengo que enfrentarlos , y no permito que estos me detengan ; sin entusiasmo , nunca se logra nada .
Latin Times : Tell us about your future plans for your business Gloria Camacho : Una gran meta cual yo tengo en mente , y planeo realizar , es la expansion de mi negocio . El objetivo es
hacer que mi talento toque todos los rincones de la florida , para poder infundir belleza y felicidad a todos mis clientes
Latin Times : Cual es tu comida favorita ? Gloria Camacho : El sancocho paisa .
Latin Times : Cuentanos con tu familia Gloria Camacho : Detras de cada historia de exito , existe un eje que proteje y inspira al protagonista . En mi “ cuento de adas ”, mi marido y mis hijas son los responsables por mi exito . Ellos son los rayos de luz que iluminan cada rincon confuso de mi vida . Es debido a ellos que yo tengo la motivacion para despertar diariamente a enfrentar nuevos retos .
Latin Times : Who is a hero / role model that you admire ( Living or deceased ) and why do you admire them ? Gloria Camacho : Ella no puede volar , respirar fuego , ni predecir el futuro , pero aun asi , mi hija Daily Yineth siempre a sido mi heroe . Desde su nacimiento , la vida le presento obstaculos que requiere de un super-humano para aceptar . Ella nacio con Espina Bifida , una enfermedad que afecta la espina y le impede caminar . Pero aun asi , Daily Yineth no permite que esto inhibe su potencial por la felicidad . Ella es un ser admirable que ignora sus discapasidades fisicas , para poder aprovechar cada segundo de su vida y reflejar amor a su alrededor . |
Public Adjuster Apprentice Leading Public Adjusters 1 st Generation American ( Mother is from Cuba and father is from Puerto Rico .) Hometown : Tampa , FL
Latin Times : How did I get started in my career ? Lizette Rivera : As a young single mom I knew I had to make a living for my son and I want to be able to provide for him . I was able to get my first job at an insurance agency and began to learn the “ ins and outs ” of policies , coverage and homeowners insurance . I got my first claims position at the young age of 24 . I loved houses , decorating , and construction , so homeowner claims was a perfect fit for me . After working for various large insurance companies handling claims and getting caught up in “ Corporate America ” I no longer felt like I was helping anyone . I decided a few short months ago to change my license and become a Public Adjuster . I am now an advocate for the insured , not the carrier .
Latin Times : What do you enjoy most about what you do ? Lizette Rivera : I have always been very passionate about helping people . Being a Public Adjuster I am able to sit down , talk to people , hear their story and assist them with their claim . I am a homeowner myself and have had my own flood in my home , so I do know what that feels like , both personally and professionally . It ’ s a great feeling to have your client receive their settlement check and know they can now put their home back together again .
Latin Times : Please tell us about your biggest obstacles , and how you have overcome them : Lizette Rivera : The biggest obstacle I had when trying to make a career in the insurance industry was being a single mom . I obviously do not see having children as an obstacle , they are a blessing , but others did not see it that way . I overcame it by working hard . I took classes online , I worked while my children were asleep , and even at 5am before I went into the office . I wanted to be the best at what I did . All of my hard work paid off and I finally landed my first Claims Manager job at 36 . I believe if you are going to do something , do it at 100 % or not at all . I mentor other single mothers now trying to pursue careers , and tell them the same thing , separate your time . You are a mother first . When you believe in yourself , everything else falls into place .
Lizette Rivera : Who is a hero / role model that you admire ? Lizette Rivera : My son Gio is my hero . Gio struggled with peer pressure and drug addiction when he was very young . He fought hard to become sober . He is back in college , has a great job and is on his way to becoming the man I knew he could be .
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