LATIN TIMES MAGAZINE - 1st Qtr; 2014 Volume 13. No 1. | Page 29

The Journey of Sasha Marina

Sasha has been acting , modeling and training since the age of 15 . She has appeared in several independent films , television shows , infomercials , and fashion shows . As well as doing voiceovers , charity projects , host shows and events . Sasha ’ s other experienced passion includes PR , Social Media Marketing and blogging .
“ When dealing with PR , Social Media , blogging or even branding yourself , I like things to be clean , simple , and to the point , just like me .”
Sasha has an Associate in Arts degree in Drama , and currently perusing a B . A . in Communication Arts with a Minor in Theatre . In the past several years , her interests have expanded to journalism as she feels it ’ s something that comes to her naturally . Sasha was the lead reporter for “ Positive Teen Magazine ” publication in South Florida , with also an advice column for the youth called “ ASK Sasha .”
“ I began in this Entertainment business because of acting ; I ’ ve done several projects in independent films , short films , and Spanish TV Networks such as Telemundo and Mun2 . I love hosting , so I started off by hosting on Blog Talk Radio , for Positive Teen Talk . Once I grew up from my teen years , I created my own show , “ The Sasha Marina Show .” I ’ ve also participated as a regular panelist for a web series called “ What Girls Think !” on Firstrun . tv . I ’ ve hosted several sorts of events . Now I lead host a web show called “ Take Flight Show ” created by DJ Smiley Miami on a Music Network called UniverseMiami . I ’ ve gained enough credibility to be accepted as part of the “ Women In The Arts ” aka WITA Miami Committee as of this August .”
She credits her mother , family , and friends in helping her realize that life is what you make it , and in order to accomplish goals , you must work hard .
“ Through the journey of pursuing my dreams I ’ ve accomplished many things . In this developing career I ’ ve come across obstacles that have made me mature faster and live life with more knowledge and understanding than many young adults in present day ,” says Sasha .
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