Latest Water Technologies of Abengoa Water - GineersNow GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 022, Abe | Page 32
25% of the Drinking Water in America
is Untested or Contaminated
77 million people—roughly a quarter of the
U.S. population—spread across all 50 states
were served by water systems reporting
violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act in
2015, according to a report issued today by the
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC).
The offenses ranged from arsenic to nitrate
contamination, and included often-serious
failures to test or report contamination levels.
A new threat to the nation”s water supplies
comes in the form of dramatic cuts to the
Environmental Protection Agency”s 2018
budget—including programs designed to
safeguard our nation”s drinking water—despite
President Trump”s recognition that “crystal clear
water” is vitally important to the country.
“America is facing a nationwide drinking
water crisis that goes well beyond lead
contamination,” said Erik Olson, Health Program
Director at NRDC and a report co-author. “The
problem is two-fold: there”s no cop on the
beat enforcing our drinking water laws, and
we”re living on borrowed time with our ancient,
deteriorating water infrastructure. We take it for
granted that when we turn on our kitchen tap,
the water will be safe and healthy, but we have
a long way to go before that is reality across our
“Threats on Tap: Widespread Violations
Highlight Need for Investment in Water
Infrastructure and Protections” found nearly
80,000 violations impacting drinking water
systems in every state, but under-reporting and
lax enforcement could mean the number of
violations is much higher. Very small systems
found in rural or sparsely populated areas
account for more than half of all health-based
violations, and nearly 70 percent of all violations.
The report found the top dozen states with the
most offenses based on population were (in
Water Leaders • June 2017
New Jersey
NRDC”s report exposes health-based violations
of the Safe Drinking Water Act, as well as
violations for improper water monitoring and
reporting, at more than 18,000 community
water systems across the nation. These federal
drinking water rules are intended to protect
against about 100 contaminants, such as toxic
chemicals, bacteria and metals like lead that can
cause health impacts like cancer, birth defects,
and cognitive impairments.
The report also revealed that 27 million people,
or one in every 12 Americans, were served
by a drinking water system with health-based
violations. Health-based violations of the rules
were most frequently caused by (in order):
a cancer-causing family of chemicals called
disinfection byproducts; coliform bacteria; the
failure to properly treat surface and groundwater
to remove dangerous pathogens; nitrates and
nitrites that can cause “blue baby syndrome”;
and lead and copper.
Meanwhile, repercussions for violations were
virtually nonexistent. Nearly nine in 10 violations
were subject to no formal action, and even
fewer—just 3.3 percent—faced financial