Latest Water Technologies of Abengoa Water - GineersNow GineersNow Engineering Magazine Issue No. 022, Abe | Page 10

Save our Oceans , Do Not Use Straw !

Clean Water Action , in partnership with the Asbury Park Boardwalk , is launching a “ Straws by Request ” program this Memorial Day Weekend . Participating establishments include Oyster Bar , The Anchor ” s Bend , Beach Bar and Wonder Bar . Drinking straws will be given to customers only by request . Look for the signage and educational postcards located at both the entrance , tabletops and the bars . Clean Water Action and the Asbury Park Boardwalk encourage all customers to participate .
“ Asbury Park Boardwalk and its participating restaurants have chosen to be part of the solution to marine debris , local litter , and storm water pollution ,” stated Jenny Vickers Chyb , Communications Manager , Clean Water Action . “ Through this program , we can help prevent plastic waste on our beaches and get everyone to think twice about whether they need a straw to enjoy their cool drink at the Jersey Shore . We hope Rethink DisposableTM will be contagious , not just in Asbury Park , but in all Jersey Shore towns .”
This initiative is part of Clean Water Action ’ s larger national Rethink Disposable TM program .
Clean Water Action has a proven successful track record working with restaurants and institutions to voluntarily reduce waste caused by singleuse disposables ( SUDs ), such as plastic straws , cutlery , plates , water bottles and foam take out containers . In doing so , they have reduced their environmental footprint and cost of waste disposal and supply purchases , while increasing customer satisfaction and demand for greenerconscious restaurants .
The U . S . consumes 500 million straws a day , an amount that could circle the planet more than two-and-a-half times . Straws are made from petroleum , a toxic and polluting non-renewable resource , and are one of the top ten marine debris items found on our beaches . There will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 . At least 690 wildlife species have encountered marine debris .
The Rethink Disposable TM program in New Jersey is funded by an agreement awarded by the U . S . Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission .
8 Water Leaders • June 2017