Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 7 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i7 Exercise J | Page 6

これが 、 レイティー先生が運動によってスイッチが入ると言い 、 カーティス先生や スティーブ先生が長時間座っているとスイッチが切れると言っている機能なので す 。
作動記憶は 、 一般的に私たちが「知性」と定義するものとほぼ同義とする研究成果 もあります 。
What working memory means in the language classroom
Have you ever tried your hand at simultaneous interpreting and found it hard , because it ’ s difficult to retain the contents of what is to be translated , even when you are already conversant with both languages ? This is partially because working memory capacity for L2 – your second and weaker language – is smaller than it is for L1 , according to studies done by Professor Gathercole and her colleagues . It means the proficiency levels of your language can influence how efficiently you can process information . While I doubt language learning per se would normally tax working memory in the same way math problem solving would , it still is , and ought to be , a tiring activity , for the above and possibly some other reasons . It is clear that we should not further burden our students ’ brains with insufficient blood flow .
So what can we do ? My colleagues and I found that after just a five-minute exercise during a lesson , students ’ vocabulary learning improved significantly ( FAB 9 presentation , as yet unpublished ). There is a more recent report of a similar study though the results were somewhat mixed .
皆さんは 、 なぜか訳す内容を忘れてしまい 、 「同時通訳は難しい」と思った経験は ありませんか 。 第二言語を使うときは 、 ただでさえ作動記憶容量が小さくなりま す 。 英語の授業は本来疲れるものなのです 。 そのうえ更に 、 座ったままでいるため に血行が悪くなると 、 学習が困難になるのは明らかです 。 ではどうしたら良いので しょう 。 私達の研究によると 、 授業中に 5 分間運動するだけで 、 語彙学習の効率が 上がることがわかりました 。
Quick take-away activities
When my 1st year students start looking sleepy halfway through one of their first 90-minute lessons in their lives , all I need to do is simply let them stand up , by giving them a few TPR instructions (“ Stand up . Stretch yourself . Point to the windows . Touch your head . Raise your left foot . Keep it there . Now raise your right …”), then pair them up and have them do the same with each other ( safety precautions recommended ). If you try this in your class , walk around the classroom but don ’ t interfere . Just answer questions or monitor their conversations for achievements and weaknesses to give class feedback on afterwards .