Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 7 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i7 Exercise J | Page 4
Think Tank:
Masda Yuka
What “turning on the brain” really means: John
Ratey video simplified - a bilingual edition!
Brain, Action, and Fun
Sometimes, people ask where I’m heading when I’m tottering towards the BRAIN
SIG meeting room at a JALT conference, usually looking, quite frankly, not so
glamorous with heavy luggage on my
back. Upon learning my destination, the
most common response is “ah it’s for
brainy ones” - the underlying tone being,
“it’s not for me; it’s too mind-boggling.”
So, in the spirit of the BRAIN SIG that
produces this bulletin, I’ve decided to
Mysterious sign at JALT 2017
combine brain and action, plus or minus
fun* in this article; that is to say, knowledge (brain), learning (action), and the
pleasure of learning (fun) by providing simple pointers for the featured video lecture
with a quick Japanese summary for our Japanese readers who are curious to know
what benefits our BRAIN SIG can offer them. Also, note the link to the instructions
just above the video.
JALT の Brain 分野別分科会は、「難しい」と思われがちです。でも実際は、知識
(brain) と学習 (action)と学習の喜び (fun)の精神で成り立っていると、私は思い
ます。ここでは、分野別分科会にご興味のある教育者の皆様にとって、BRAIN SIG
Ratey’s TED Talk simplified
After providing some memorable examples of successful practices of exercise
programmes in education, Ratey starts explaining, at about 7:40 into the video, why
those practices have been successful. The part of the brain he talks about is the
prefrontal cortex and the many roles it plays are listed on the screen behind him, but
the key term here is “working memory.”