Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 7 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank V4i7 Exercise J | Page 19

pair starts an exercise. The other partner starts doing the same exercise. When that partner wants to change the exercise, they make an “X” gesture with their arms and start a new one. This continues until the other partner wants to start a new exercise. The whole activity only lasts one minute – but it is a minute that reenergizes the whole class. If you try this, have the students notice their own alertness and energy level before and after the activity. It is amazing how it increases their energy. And how easy it is to notice that increase. I’ve made seven short PowerPoint presentations. Each introduces one physical task, along with a “Brain Byte” that briefly explains a bit of neuroscience that I hope they’ll find interesting – and will explain why their English teacher is asking them to do things that previously they only did in gym class. The PowerPoint’s are on my website at: in-the-elt-class.html While you are there, you might want to check on some of the other handouts on various topics. I hope you and your students are moved. (An earlier version of this article appeared in Barb Hoskins Sakamoto’s blog and in Pearson Japan’s e-newsletter. ) * Re: sitting during faculty meetings. Does your school provide soft, padded chairs for faculty meetings? Mine does. I think we should have to sit in those plain wooden chairs the students use. Teachers would realize what a pain in the… oh, well….you know. Medina, J. (2014). Brain rules: 12 Principles for surviving and thriving at work, home and school (2 nd ed.). Seattle, WA: Pear Press, Ratey, J. J., & Hagerman, E. (2010). Spark! How exercise will improve the performance of your brain. London: Quercus. Sousa, D. A. (2011). How the brain learns (4 th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press Marc Helgesen, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, Sendai, is an author of over 180 ELT books, textbooks and articles including Pearson’s English Firsthand series. He’s been an invited speaker at conferences on 5 continents. He teaches “Positive Psychology in ELT” at Nagoya University of Foreign Students MA TESOL Program. ( 19