Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 5 MindBrainEd Bulletin V4i5 Think Tank Emotion May | Page 22

diverse, and I hope my research will help teachers design their presentations to promote better retention of information without distracting from the content. D) Tell us about an Mind, Brain, and Education project you are working on now OR one you would love to do. I would love to start a database or a visual grammar of presentation characteristics that can promote retention of information. This visual grammar can be fundamental to all who give presentations on any subject. I would like this grammar to be based on statistically significant results of sound research. Currently, most presentation design manuals are written from a presenter’s point of view based on their experience, focused on one type of presentation topic (scientific presentations, for example) or a graphic designer basing their advice on design principles. The research I would like to do would be based on cross-cultural cognitive research and represent as many areas of the globe as possible. E) What have you read/seen recently that inspired you most? This area of research is new, and every day more and more researchers are addressing this topic because digital presentation slides are here to stay in all aspects of our lives. Michael Alley is a pioneer in research along with Richard Mayer. Both use cognitive principles to research presentation design and multi-mode issues and are extensively published. (ZITS, borrowed from Japan News)