Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 5 MindBrainEd Bulletin V4i5 Think Tank Emotion May | Page 17

Ehrman, M. E. (1996). Understanding second language learning difficulties. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Gkonou, C., Daubney, M., & Dewaele, J.-M. (Eds.). (2017). New insights into language anxiety. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters. Guiora, A. Z. (1984). The dialectic of language learning. Language Learning, 33(s5), 3–12. doi:10.1111/j.1467-1770.1984.tb01321.x Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal, 70(2), 125–132. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4781.1986.tb05256.x Kashdan, T. B., Barrett, L. F., & McKnight, P. E. (2015). Unpacking emotion differentiation: Transforming unpleasant experience by perceiving distinctions in negativity. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21(1), 1-–16. doi:10.1177/0963721414550708 Kircanski, K., Lieberman, M. D., & Craske, M. G. (2012). Feeling into words: Contributions of language to exposure therapy. Psychological Science, 23(1), 1086–1091. doi:10.1177/0956797612443830 MacIntyre, P. D. (1999). Language anxiety: A review of the research for language teachers. In D. J. Young (Ed.), Affect in foreign language and second language learning: A practical guide to creating a low-anxiety classroom atmosphere (pp. 24–45). Toronto: McGraw-Hill. Harumi Kimura teaches at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University, Sendai, Japan. She earned her doctorate from Temple University. She researched second language listening anxiety in her doctoral study and her academic interests include learner psychology and cooperative learning. She coauthored a book with G. M. Jacobs, Cooperative Learning and Teaching (2013). And Now for Something Completely Different… An fascinating Invisibilia podcast with a visit from Lisa Barrett and the discovery of a new emotion . And…. 23 Feelings We Don't Have Words for in English